


Bug #487 » ses9_sessionD_verbose.log

Corresponding "sessiond -vvv" while ses9 is run - Tan le tran, 03/27/2013 03:20 PM

DEBUG3 [22946/22946]: Creating LTTng run directory: /var/run/lttng (in create_lttng_rundir() at main.c:3777)
DEBUG2 [22946/22946]: Kernel consumer err path: /var/run/lttng/kconsumerd/error (in main() at main.c:4057)
DEBUG2 [22946/22946]: Kernel consumer cmd path: /var/run/lttng/kconsumerd/command (in main() at main.c:4059)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Client socket path /var/run/lttng/client-lttng-sessiond (in main() at main.c:4112)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Application socket path /var/run/lttng/lttng-ust-sock-4 (in main() at main.c:4113)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Application wait path /lttng-ust-wait-4 (in main() at main.c:4114)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: LTTng run directory path: /var/run/lttng (in main() at main.c:4115)
DEBUG2 [22946/22946]: UST consumer 32 bits err path: /var/run/lttng/ustconsumerd32/error (in main() at main.c:4124)
DEBUG2 [22946/22946]: UST consumer 32 bits cmd path: /var/run/lttng/ustconsumerd32/command (in main() at main.c:4126)
DEBUG2 [22946/22946]: UST consumer 64 bits err path: /var/run/lttng/ustconsumerd64/error (in main() at main.c:4135)
DEBUG2 [22946/22946]: UST consumer 64 bits cmd path: /var/run/lttng/ustconsumerd64/command (in main() at main.c:4137)
DEBUG3 [22946/22946]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6610a0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [22946/22946]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6615c0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [22946/22946]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x661b00 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [22946/22946]: Creating consumer directory: /var/run/lttng/kconsumerd (in set_consumer_sockets() at main.c:3819)
FATAL: Module lttng_tracer not found.
Error: Unable to load module lttng-tracer
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Failed to open /proc/lttng (in init_kernel_tracer() at main.c:2057)
Error: Unable to remove module lttng-tracer
Warning: No kernel tracer available
DEBUG2 [22946/22946]: Creating consumer directory: /var/run/lttng/ustconsumerd64 (in set_consumer_sockets() at main.c:3819)
DEBUG2 [22946/22946]: Creating consumer directory: /var/run/lttng/ustconsumerd32 (in set_consumer_sockets() at main.c:3819)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Signal handler set for SIGTERM, SIGPIPE and SIGINT (in set_signal_handler() at main.c:3911)
DEBUG3 [22946/22946]: Session daemon client socket 11 and application socket 12 created (in init_daemon_socket() at main.c:3681)
Warning: No tracing group detected
DEBUG3 [22946/22946]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x662480 of type 2 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [22946/22946]: Global buffer per UID registry initialized (in buffer_reg_init_uid_registry() at buffer-registry.c:98)
DEBUG3 [22946/22946]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6629c0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [22946/22946]: Global buffer per PID registry initialized (in buffer_reg_init_pid_registry() at buffer-registry.c:219)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: epoll set max size is 403353 (in compat_epoll_set_max_size() at compat-epoll.c:270)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Command subsystem initialized (in cmd_init() at cmd.c:2145)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Pid 22946 written in file /var/run/lttng/ (in utils_create_pid_file() at utils.c:234)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: [thread] Manage health check started (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3031)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: [thread] Manage client started (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3225)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: [thread] Dispatch UST command started (in thread_dispatch_ust_registration() at main.c:1296)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: Futex n to 1 prepare done (in futex_nto1_prepare() at futex.c:75)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: Woken up but nothing in the UST command queue (in thread_dispatch_ust_registration() at main.c:1309)
DEBUG1 [22946/22953]: [thread] Manage application started (in thread_manage_apps() at main.c:1096)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: [thread] Manage application registration started (in thread_registration_apps() at main.c:1475)
DEBUG1 [22946/22953]: Apps thread polling on 2 fds (in thread_manage_apps() at main.c:1126)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: Notifying applications of session daemon state: 1 (in notify_ust_apps() at main.c:500)
DEBUG1 [22946/22954]: [ust-thread] Manage application notify command (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:36)
DEBUG1 [22946/22955]: [thread] Thread manage kernel started (in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:695)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 2 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG1 [22946/22955]: Updating kernel poll set (in update_kernel_poll() at main.c:561)
DEBUG1 [22946/22955]: Thread kernel polling on 2 fds (in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:740)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: Got the wait shm fd 25 (in get_wait_shm() at shm.c:119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: Futex wait update active 1 (in futex_wait_update() at futex.c:63)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: Accepting application registration (in thread_registration_apps() at main.c:1512)
Wed Mar 27 13:51:25 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:51:26 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:51:27 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 10, last 0, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 5, last 0, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 1, last 0, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:51:28 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:51:29 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: UST registration received with pid:19599 ppid:4479 uid:0 gid:0 sock:25 name:TestApp_type1 (version 4.0) (in thread_registration_apps() at main.c:1608)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: Futex n to 1 wake done (in futex_nto1_wake() at futex.c:104)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: Accepting application registration (in thread_registration_apps() at main.c:1512)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: UST registration received with pid:19599 ppid:4479 uid:0 gid:0 sock:26 name:TestApp_type1 (version 4.0) (in thread_registration_apps() at main.c:1608)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: Futex n to 1 wake done (in futex_nto1_wake() at futex.c:104)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: Accepting application registration (in thread_registration_apps() at main.c:1512)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: Futex n to 1 wait done (in futex_nto1_wait() at futex.c:90)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: Futex n to 1 prepare done (in futex_nto1_prepare() at futex.c:75)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: Dispatching UST registration pid:19599 ppid:4479 uid:0 gid:0 sock:25 name:TestApp_type1 (version 4.0) (in thread_dispatch_ust_registration() at main.c:1321)
DEBUG3 [22946/22951]: UST app creating application for socket 25 (in ust_app_create() at ust-app.c:2576)
DEBUG3 [22946/22951]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x663c20 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [22946/22951]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x664160 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: Dispatching UST registration pid:19599 ppid:4479 uid:0 gid:0 sock:26 name:TestApp_type1 (version 4.0) (in thread_dispatch_ust_registration() at main.c:1321)
DEBUG3 [22946/22951]: UST app notify socket 26 is set (in thread_dispatch_ust_registration() at main.c:1370)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: App registered with pid:19599 ppid:4479 uid:0 gid:0 sock:25 name:TestApp_type1 notify_sock:26 (version 4.0) (in ust_app_add() at ust-app.c:2664)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: Woken up but nothing in the UST command queue (in thread_dispatch_ust_registration() at main.c:1309)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: UST thread notify added sock 26 to pollset (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:118)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 3 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG1 [22946/22953]: Apps with sock 25 added to poll set (in thread_manage_apps() at main.c:1195)
DEBUG1 [22946/22953]: Apps thread polling on 3 fds (in thread_manage_apps() at main.c:1126)
Wed Mar 27 13:51:30 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:51:31 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:51:32 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 18, last 10, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 13, last 5, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 17, last 1, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:51:34 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:51:35 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:51:36 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:51:37 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:51:38 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 28, last 10, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 13, last 5, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 17, last 1, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:51:39 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:51:40 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:51:41 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:51:42 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:51:43 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 36, last 10, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 13, last 5, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 17, last 1, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:51:44 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:51:45 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:51:46 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:51:47 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:51:48 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 44, last 10, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 13, last 5, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 17, last 1, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:51:49 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:51:50 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Processing client command 8 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2299)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Waiting for 2 URIs from client ... (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2789)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trying to find session by name ses9 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Tracing session ses9 created in (null) with ID 0 by UID 0 GID 0 (in session_create() at session.c:238)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trying to find session by name ses9 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x670b60 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Setting network URI to consumer (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:381)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Consumer control URI set with port 53000 (in consumer_set_network_uri() at consumer.c:508)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Consumer set network uri subdir path SC-1/./ (in consumer_set_network_uri() at consumer.c:560)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Append domain trace name to subdir SC-1/./ (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:418)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Setting network URI to consumer (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:381)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Consumer data URI set with port 53001 (in consumer_set_network_uri() at consumer.c:517)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Processing client command 13 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2299)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Counting number of available session for UID 0 GID 0 (in lttng_sessions_count() at main.c:2270)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Getting all available session for UID 0 GID 0 (in cmd_list_lttng_sessions() at cmd.c:2054)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Sending response (size: 4388, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
Wed Mar 27 13:51:51 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Processing client command 5 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2299)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Getting session ses9 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2370)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trying to find session by name ses9 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Creating UST session (in create_ust_session() at main.c:2186)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6679d0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x667ef0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST trace session create successful (in trace_ust_create_session() at trace-ust.c:239)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Copying tracing session consumer output in UST session (in copy_session_consumer() at main.c:2138)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x667ef0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Copy session consumer subdir SC-1/.//ust (in copy_session_consumer() at main.c:2156)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Spawning consumerd (in spawn_consumerd() at main.c:1817)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Consumer pid 23043 (in start_consumerd() at main.c:2000)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Spawning consumer control thread (in start_consumerd() at main.c:2003)
DEBUG1 [22946/23044]: [thread] Manage consumer started (in thread_manage_consumer() at main.c:861)
DEBUG1 [23043/23043]: Using 64-bit UST consumer at: /usr/lib64/lttng/libexec/lttng-consumerd (in spawn_consumerd() at main.c:1892)
DEBUG2 [22946/23044]: Receiving code from consumer err_sock (in thread_manage_consumer() at main.c:946)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Consumer socket created (fd: 30) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Setting relayd for session ses9 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:677)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Relayd connect ... (in relayd_connect() at relayd.c:323)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Creating relayd stream socket from URI (in create_connect_relayd() at cmd.c:517)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Relayd version check for major.minor 2.1 (in relayd_version_check() at relayd.c:227)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Relayd sending command 5 of size 32 (in send_command() at relayd.c:74)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Relayd waiting for reply of size 8 (in recv_reply() at relayd.c:90)
DEBUG1 [22946/23044]: Consumer command socket ready (in thread_manage_consumer() at main.c:967)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Relayd version is compatible (in relayd_version_check() at relayd.c:262)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Sending relayd sock info to consumer on 30 (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:828)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Sending relayd socket file descriptor to consumer (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:841)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Consumer relayd socket sent (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:847)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Relayd closing socket 31 (in relayd_close() at relayd.c:354)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Relayd connect ... (in relayd_connect() at relayd.c:323)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Creating relayd data socket from URI (in create_connect_relayd() at cmd.c:527)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Sending relayd sock info to consumer on 30 (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:828)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Sending relayd socket file descriptor to consumer (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:841)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Consumer relayd socket sent (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:847)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Relayd closing socket 31 (in relayd_close() at relayd.c:354)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Enabling channel chan1 for session ses9 (in cmd_enable_channel() at cmd.c:863)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trace UST channel chan1 not found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:140)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x669850 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x669d90 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trace UST channel chan1 created (in trace_ust_create_channel() at trace-ust.c:296)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Channel chan1 is being created for UST with buffer 1 and id 0 (in channel_ust_create() at channel.c:289)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST app adding channel chan1 to UST domain for session id 0 (in ust_app_create_channel_glb() at ust-app.c:3307)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST app pid: 19599 session id 0 not found, creating it (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1569)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x66a2d0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Shadow copy of session handle -1 (in shadow_copy_session() at ust-app.c:1333)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 0, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x677c10 of type 2 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Buffer registry per UID created id: 0, ABI: 64, uid: 0, domain: 2 (in buffer_reg_uid_create() at buffer-registry.c:143)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Buffer registry per UID adding to global registry with id: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_add() at buffer-registry.c:165)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x677f80 of type 2 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Append to metadata: "typealias integer { size = 8; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint8_t;
typealias integer { size = 16; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint16_t;
typealias integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint32_t;
typealias integer { size = 64; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint64_t;
typealias integer { size = 64; align = 8; signed = false; } := unsigned long;
typealias integer { size = 5; align = 1; signed = false; } := uint5_t;
typealias integer { size = 27; align = 1; signed = false; } := uint27_t;

trace {
major = 1;
minor = 8;
uuid = "11583efe-7eb0-48ee-af37-535b04b5ac86";
byte_order = le;
packet.header := struct {
uint32_t magic;
uint8_t uuid[16];
uint32_t stream_id;

" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Append to metadata: "env {
hostname = "SC-1";
domain = "ust";
tracer_name = "lttng-ust";
tracer_major = 2;
tracer_minor = 1;
tracer_patchlevel = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Append to metadata: " vpid = 19599;
procname = "TestApp_type1";
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Append to metadata: "};

" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Append to metadata: "clock {
name = monotonic;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Append to metadata: " uuid = "7c002362-f7ce-4efe-a709-602ba5f131fb";
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Append to metadata: " description = "Monotonic Clock";
freq = 1000000000; /* Frequency, in Hz */
/* clock value offset from Epoch is: offset * (1/freq) */
offset = 1362003185089525639;

" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Append to metadata: "typealias integer {
size = 27; align = 1; signed = false;
map = clock.monotonic.value;
} := uint27_clock_monotonic_t;

typealias integer {
size = 32; align = 8; signed = false;
map = clock.monotonic.value;
} := uint32_clock_monotonic_t;

typealias integer {
size = 64; align = 8; signed = false;
map = clock.monotonic.value;
} := uint64_clock_monotonic_t;

" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Append to metadata: "struct packet_context {
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp_begin;
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp_end;
uint64_t content_size;
uint64_t packet_size;
unsigned long events_discarded;
uint32_t cpu_id;

" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Append to metadata: "struct event_header_compact {
enum : uint5_t { compact = 0 ... 30, extended = 31 } id;
variant <id> {
struct {
uint27_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} compact;
struct {
uint32_t id;
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} extended;
} v;
} align(8);

struct event_header_large {
enum : uint16_t { compact = 0 ... 65534, extended = 65535 } id;
variant <id> {
struct {
uint32_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} compact;
struct {
uint32_t id;
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} extended;
} v;
} align(8);

" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: UST app buffer registry per UID created successfully (in setup_buffer_reg_uid() at ust-app.c:1531)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST app session created successfully with handle 5 (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1630)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6786b0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x678bf0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: UST app channel chan1 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:731)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST app shadow copy of channel chan1 started (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1264)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: UST app shadow copy of channel chan1 done (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1310)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: UST app creating channel chan1 with per UID buffers (in create_channel_per_uid() at ust-app.c:2152)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 0, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST app creating buffer registry channel for chan1 (in create_buffer_reg_channel() at ust-app.c:2007)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Buffer registry channel create with key: 0 (in buffer_reg_channel_create() at buffer-registry.c:324)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x67a440 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Asking UST consumer for channel (in ask_channel_creation() at ust-consumer.c:116)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:400)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST ask channel 1 successfully done with 4 stream(s) (in ask_channel_creation() at ust-consumer.c:176)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST app stream 1 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:287)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST app stream 2 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:287)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST app stream 3 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:287)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST app stream 4 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:287)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: UST app consumer has no more stream available (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:270)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST app setup buffer registry channel for chan1 (in setup_buffer_reg_channel() at ust-app.c:2054)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST app setup buffer registry stream (in setup_buffer_reg_streams() at ust-app.c:1962)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: UST app sending buffer registry channel to ust sock 25 (in send_channel_uid_to_ust() at ust-app.c:2090)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST app send channel to sock 25 pid 19599 (name: chan1, key: 0) (in ust_consumer_send_channel_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:391)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST consumer send stream to app 25 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:356)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST consumer send stream to app 25 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:356)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST consumer send stream to app 25 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:356)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST consumer send stream to app 25 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:356)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST app create channel chan1 for PID 19599 completed (in create_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:2350)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Channel chan1 created successfully (in channel_ust_create() at channel.c:313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
Wed Mar 27 13:51:52 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2299)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Getting session ses9 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2370)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trying to find session by name ses9 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Consumer socket created (fd: 30) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Setting relayd for session ses9 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:677)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trace UST channel chan1 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB, loglevel (0,-1) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:368)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for all apps for session id 0 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3460)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:787)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:19599 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1190)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 19599 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created in channel chan1 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
Wed Mar 27 13:51:53 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 174, last 44, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 13, last 13, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 17, last 17, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 0, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Processing client command 13 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2299)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Counting number of available session for UID 0 GID 0 (in lttng_sessions_count() at main.c:2270)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Getting all available session for UID 0 GID 0 (in cmd_list_lttng_sessions() at cmd.c:2054)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Sending response (size: 4388, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Processing client command 11 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2299)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Getting session ses9 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2370)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trying to find session by name ses9 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Listing domains found UST global domain (in cmd_list_domains() at cmd.c:1918)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Sending response (size: 324, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Processing client command 10 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2299)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Getting session ses9 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2370)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trying to find session by name ses9 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Consumer socket created (fd: 30) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Setting relayd for session ses9 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:677)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Number of UST global channels 1 (in cmd_list_channels() at cmd.c:1970)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Listing channels for session ses9 (in list_lttng_channels() at cmd.c:135)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Sending response (size: 624, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Processing client command 12 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2299)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Getting session ses9 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2370)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trying to find session by name ses9 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Consumer socket created (fd: 30) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Setting relayd for session ses9 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:677)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Listing UST global events for channel chan1 (in list_lttng_ust_global_events() at cmd.c:197)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Listing UST global 1 events (in list_lttng_ust_global_events() at cmd.c:217)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Sending response (size: 600, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
Wed Mar 27 13:51:54 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Processing client command 16 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2299)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Getting session ses9 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2370)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trying to find session by name ses9 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Starting all UST traces (in ust_app_start_trace_all() at ust-app.c:3752)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Starting tracing for ust app pid 19599 (in ust_app_start_trace() at ust-app.c:3514)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 0, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x67d190 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x67d6d0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: UST app channel metadata allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:731)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Asking UST consumer for channel (in ask_channel_creation() at ust-consumer.c:116)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST ask channel 2 successfully done with 1 stream(s) (in ask_channel_creation() at ust-consumer.c:176)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Consumer setup metadata channel key 2 (in consumer_setup_metadata() at consumer.c:1055)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST metadata with key 2 created for app pid 19599 (in create_ust_app_metadata() at ust-app.c:2521)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: UST app deleting channel metadata (in delete_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:324)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 0, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: UST registry channel finding key 2 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:400)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: UST app receiving notify from sock 26 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4469)
DEBUG2 [22946/22954]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4489)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 0, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:400)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB, sig: const char*, my_Time, id: 0, chan_objd: 4, sess_objd: 5, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB";
id = 0;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 9;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: Append to metadata: " };

" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB with id 0 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4450)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 3 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: UST app receiving notify from sock 26 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4469)
DEBUG2 [22946/22954]: UST app ustctl register channel received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4517)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 0, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:400)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: Append to metadata: "stream {
id = 0;
event.header := struct event_header_compact;
packet.context := struct packet_context;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: Append to metadata: "};

" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: UST app replying to register channel key 0 with id 0, type: 1, ret: 0 (in reply_ust_register_channel() at ust-app.c:4355)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 3 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
Wed Mar 27 13:51:55 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Processing client command 13 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2299)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Counting number of available session for UID 0 GID 0 (in lttng_sessions_count() at main.c:2270)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Getting all available session for UID 0 GID 0 (in cmd_list_lttng_sessions() at cmd.c:2054)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Sending response (size: 4388, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Processing client command 11 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2299)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Getting session ses9 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2370)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trying to find session by name ses9 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Listing domains found UST global domain (in cmd_list_domains() at cmd.c:1918)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Sending response (size: 324, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Processing client command 10 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2299)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Getting session ses9 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2370)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trying to find session by name ses9 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Consumer socket created (fd: 30) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Setting relayd for session ses9 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:677)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Number of UST global channels 1 (in cmd_list_channels() at cmd.c:1970)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Listing channels for session ses9 (in list_lttng_channels() at cmd.c:135)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Sending response (size: 624, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Processing client command 12 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2299)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Getting session ses9 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2370)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trying to find session by name ses9 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Consumer socket created (fd: 30) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Setting relayd for session ses9 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:677)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Listing UST global events for channel chan1 (in list_lttng_ust_global_events() at cmd.c:197)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Listing UST global 1 events (in list_lttng_ust_global_events() at cmd.c:217)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Sending response (size: 600, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
Wed Mar 27 13:51:56 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:51:57 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Processing client command 14 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2299)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST app list events done (12 events) (in ust_app_list_events() at ust-app.c:2895)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Sending response (size: 7024, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
Wed Mar 27 13:51:58 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 398, last 44, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 13, last 13, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 17, last 17, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: UST registration received with pid:23084 ppid:4479 uid:0 gid:0 sock:27 name:TestApp_type1 (version 4.0) (in thread_registration_apps() at main.c:1608)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: Futex n to 1 wake done (in futex_nto1_wake() at futex.c:104)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: Accepting application registration (in thread_registration_apps() at main.c:1512)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: Futex n to 1 wait done (in futex_nto1_wait() at futex.c:90)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: Futex n to 1 prepare done (in futex_nto1_prepare() at futex.c:75)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: Dispatching UST registration pid:23084 ppid:4479 uid:0 gid:0 sock:27 name:TestApp_type1 (version 4.0) (in thread_dispatch_ust_registration() at main.c:1321)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: UST registration received with pid:23084 ppid:4479 uid:0 gid:0 sock:42 name:TestApp_type1 (version 4.0) (in thread_registration_apps() at main.c:1608)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: Futex n to 1 wake done (in futex_nto1_wake() at futex.c:104)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: Accepting application registration (in thread_registration_apps() at main.c:1512)
DEBUG3 [22946/22951]: UST app creating application for socket 27 (in ust_app_create() at ust-app.c:2576)
DEBUG3 [22946/22951]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x67d190 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [22946/22951]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x67da50 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: Dispatching UST registration pid:23084 ppid:4479 uid:0 gid:0 sock:42 name:TestApp_type1 (version 4.0) (in thread_dispatch_ust_registration() at main.c:1321)
DEBUG3 [22946/22951]: UST app notify socket 42 is set (in thread_dispatch_ust_registration() at main.c:1370)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: App registered with pid:23084 ppid:4479 uid:0 gid:0 sock:27 name:TestApp_type1 notify_sock:42 (version 4.0) (in ust_app_add() at ust-app.c:2664)
DEBUG2 [22946/22951]: UST app global update for app sock 27 for session id 0 (in ust_app_global_update() at ust-app.c:3865)
DEBUG2 [22946/22951]: UST app pid: 23084 session id 0 not found, creating it (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1569)
DEBUG3 [22946/22951]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x67df70 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: UST thread notify added sock 42 to pollset (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:118)
DEBUG2 [22946/22951]: Shadow copy of session handle -1 (in shadow_copy_session() at ust-app.c:1333)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 4 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG2 [22946/22951]: Channel chan1 not found on shadow session copy, creating it (in shadow_copy_session() at ust-app.c:1379)
DEBUG3 [22946/22951]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x67c390 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [22946/22951]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x67c8d0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [22946/22951]: UST app channel chan1 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:731)
DEBUG2 [22946/22951]: UST app shadow copy of channel chan1 started (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1264)
DEBUG2 [22946/22951]: UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB not found on shadow copy channel (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1300)
DEBUG3 [22946/22951]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:787)
DEBUG3 [22946/22951]: UST app shadow copy of channel chan1 done (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1310)
DEBUG3 [22946/22951]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 0, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [22946/22951]: UST app session created successfully with handle 1 (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1630)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: UST app creating channel chan1 with per UID buffers (in create_channel_per_uid() at ust-app.c:2152)
DEBUG3 [22946/22951]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 0, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: UST app sending buffer registry channel to ust sock 27 (in send_channel_uid_to_ust() at ust-app.c:2090)
DEBUG2 [22946/22951]: UST app send channel to sock 27 pid 23084 (name: chan1, key: 0) (in ust_consumer_send_channel_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:391)
DEBUG2 [22946/22951]: UST consumer send stream to app 27 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:356)
DEBUG2 [22946/22951]: UST consumer send stream to app 27 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:356)
DEBUG2 [22946/22951]: UST consumer send stream to app 27 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:356)
DEBUG2 [22946/22951]: UST consumer send stream to app 27 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:356)
DEBUG2 [22946/22951]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:23084 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1190)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: Starting tracing for ust app pid 23084 (in ust_app_start_trace() at ust-app.c:3514)
DEBUG3 [22946/22951]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 0, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: UST app receiving notify from sock 42 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4469)
DEBUG2 [22946/22954]: UST app ustctl register channel received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4517)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 0, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:400)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: UST app replying to register channel key 0 with id 0, type: 1, ret: 0 (in reply_ust_register_channel() at ust-app.c:4355)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 4 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG2 [22946/22951]: UST trace started for app pid 23084 (in ust_app_global_update() at ust-app.c:3953)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: Woken up but nothing in the UST command queue (in thread_dispatch_ust_registration() at main.c:1309)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: Futex n to 1 wait done (in futex_nto1_wait() at futex.c:90)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: Futex n to 1 prepare done (in futex_nto1_prepare() at futex.c:75)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: Woken up but nothing in the UST command queue (in thread_dispatch_ust_registration() at main.c:1309)
DEBUG1 [22946/22953]: Apps with sock 27 added to poll set (in thread_manage_apps() at main.c:1195)
DEBUG1 [22946/22953]: Apps thread polling on 4 fds (in thread_manage_apps() at main.c:1126)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: UST app receiving notify from sock 42 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4469)
DEBUG2 [22946/22954]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4489)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 0, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:400)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB, sig: const char*, my_Time, id: 0, chan_objd: 2, sess_objd: 1, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB with id 0 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4450)
DEBUG3 [22946/22954]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 4 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
Wed Mar 27 13:51:59 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Processing client command 14 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2299)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: UST app list events done (24 events) (in ust_app_list_events() at ust-app.c:2895)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Sending response (size: 14032, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
Wed Mar 27 13:52:00 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:01 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:02 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:03 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 482, last 44, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 13, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 17, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:52:04 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:05 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:06 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:07 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:08 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 490, last 44, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 13, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 17, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:52:09 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:10 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:11 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:12 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:13 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 498, last 44, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 13, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 17, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:52:14 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:15 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:16 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:17 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 507, last 498, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 21, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 33, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:52:18 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:19 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:20 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:21 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:22 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 515, last 498, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 21, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 33, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:52:23 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:25 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:26 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:27 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:28 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 523, last 498, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 21, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 33, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:52:29 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:30 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:31 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Processing client command 17 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2299)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Getting session ses9 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2370)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trying to find session by name ses9 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Stopping all UST traces (in ust_app_stop_trace_all() at ust-app.c:3778)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Consumer flush channel key 1 (in consumer_flush_channel() at consumer.c:989)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Stopping tracing for ust app pid 19599 (in ust_app_stop_trace() at ust-app.c:3609)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 0, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 30 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1089)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Consumer pushing metadata on sock 30 of len 2510 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1110)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Stopping tracing for ust app pid 23084 (in ust_app_stop_trace() at ust-app.c:3609)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 0, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: No metadata to push for metadata key 2 (in push_metadata() at ust-app.c:423)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Processing client command 24 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2299)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Getting session ses9 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2370)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trying to find session by name ses9 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Consumer data pending for id 0 (in consumer_is_data_pending() at consumer.c:923)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Consumer data is NOT pending for session id 0 (in consumer_is_data_pending() at consumer.c:968)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Unknown error code) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
Wed Mar 27 13:52:32 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:33 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 601, last 498, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 21, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 33, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:52:34 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:35 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:36 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:37 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:38 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 609, last 601, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 21, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 33, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:52:39 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:40 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:41 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:42 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:43 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 617, last 601, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 21, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 33, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:52:44 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:45 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:46 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:47 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:48 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 625, last 601, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 21, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 33, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:52:49 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:50 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:51 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:52 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:53 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 632, last 601, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 21, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 33, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:52:54 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Processing client command 9 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2299)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Getting session ses9 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2370)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trying to find session by name ses9 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: No kernel session when tearing down session (in kernel_destroy_session() at kernel.c:736)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Sending destroy relayd command to consumer sock 30 (in consumer_send_destroy_relayd() at consumer.c:129)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Consumer send destroy relayd command done (in consumer_send_destroy_relayd() at consumer.c:152)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Destroy all UST traces (in ust_app_destroy_trace_all() at ust-app.c:3831)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Destroy tracing for ust app pid 19599 (in destroy_trace() at ust-app.c:3710)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 0, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: No metadata to push for metadata key 2 (in push_metadata() at ust-app.c:423)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: UST app deleting channel chan1 (in delete_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:324)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 0, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: UST registry channel finding key 1 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:400)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Destroy tracing for ust app pid 23084 (in destroy_trace() at ust-app.c:3710)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 0, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: No metadata to push for metadata key 2 (in push_metadata() at ust-app.c:423)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: UST app deleting channel chan1 (in delete_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:324)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 0, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: UST registry channel finding key 3 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:400)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Trace UST destroy session 0 (in trace_ust_destroy_session() at trace-ust.c:638)
DEBUG3 [22946/22950]: Buffer registry per UID destroy with id: 0, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:615)
DEBUG2 [22946/22950]: Consumer close metadata channel key 2 (in consumer_close_metadata() at consumer.c:1022)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Destroying session ses9 (in session_destroy() at session.c:156)
DEBUG2 [22946/23264]: Trace destroy UST channel chan1 (in trace_ust_destroy_channel() at trace-ust.c:552)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22955]: Updating kernel poll set (in update_kernel_poll() at main.c:561)
DEBUG1 [22946/22955]: Thread kernel polling on 2 fds (in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:740)
DEBUG3 [22946/23264]: Buffer registry session destroy (in buffer_reg_session_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:536)
DEBUG3 [22946/23264]: Buffer registry channel destroy with key 0 and handle -1 (in buffer_reg_channel_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:496)
DEBUG3 [22946/23264]: Buffer registry stream destroy with handle -1 (in buffer_reg_stream_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:443)
DEBUG3 [22946/23264]: Buffer registry stream destroy with handle -1 (in buffer_reg_stream_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:443)
DEBUG3 [22946/23264]: Buffer registry stream destroy with handle -1 (in buffer_reg_stream_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:443)
DEBUG3 [22946/23264]: Buffer registry stream destroy with handle -1 (in buffer_reg_stream_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:443)
DEBUG2 [22946/23264]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:507)
Wed Mar 27 13:52:55 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:56 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:57 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:52:58 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 678, last 601, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 21, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 33, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Processing client command 13 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2299)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Counting number of available session for UID 0 GID 0 (in lttng_sessions_count() at main.c:2270)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Getting all available session for UID 0 GID 0 (in cmd_list_lttng_sessions() at cmd.c:2054)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3409)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
Wed Mar 27 13:52:59 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:00 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:01 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:02 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:03 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 708, last 678, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 21, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 33, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:53:04 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:05 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:06 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:07 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:08 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 716, last 678, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 21, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 33, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:53:09 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:10 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:11 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:12 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 724, last 678, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 21, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 33, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:53:13 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:14 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:15 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:16 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:17 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 732, last 678, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 21, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 33, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:53:18 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:19 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:20 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:22 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:23 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 740, last 732, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 21, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 33, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:53:24 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:25 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:26 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:27 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:28 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 748, last 732, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 21, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 33, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:53:29 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:30 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:31 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:32 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:33 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 756, last 732, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 21, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 33, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:53:34 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:35 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:36 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:37 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:38 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 762, last 732, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 21, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 33, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:53:39 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:40 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:41 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:42 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:43 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 773, last 732, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 21, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 33, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:53:44 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:45 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:46 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:47 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:48 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3313)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3358)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3362)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 781, last 773, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 21, last 21, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 33, last 33, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health state current 15, last 15, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [22946/22949]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2036)
DEBUG2 [22946/22949]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3172)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3070)
Wed Mar 27 13:53:49 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:50 EDT 2013
Wed Mar 27 13:53:51 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: SIGTERM caught (in sighandler() at main.c:3870)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Terminating all threads (in stop_threads() at main.c:374)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Futex n to 1 wake done (in futex_nto1_wake() at futex.c:104)
DEBUG1 [22946/22954]: Application notify communication apps thread cleanup complete (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:160)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: Notifying applications of session daemon state: 0 (in notify_ust_apps() at main.c:500)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:480)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: Got the wait shm fd 0 (in get_wait_shm() at shm.c:119)
DEBUG1 [22946/22950]: Client thread dying (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3457)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: Futex wait update active 0 (in futex_wait_update() at futex.c:63)
DEBUG1 [22946/23044]: consumer thread cleanup completed (in thread_manage_consumer() at main.c:1082)
DEBUG1 [22946/22953]: Application communication apps thread cleanup complete (in thread_manage_apps() at main.c:1242)
DEBUG1 [22946/22952]: UST Registration thread cleanup complete (in thread_registration_apps() at main.c:1656)
DEBUG1 [22946/22949]: Health check thread dying (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3192)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: Futex n to 1 wait done (in futex_nto1_wait() at futex.c:90)
DEBUG1 [22946/22951]: Dispatch thread dying (in thread_dispatch_ust_registration() at main.c:1457)
DEBUG1 [22946/22955]: Kernel thread dying (in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:823)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Cleaning up (in cleanup() at main.c:394)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Removing /var/run/lttng directory (in cleanup() at main.c:410)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Cleaning up all sessions (in cleanup() at main.c:424)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Closing all UST sockets (in cleanup() at main.c:437)
DEBUG2 [22946/22946]: UST app cleaning registered apps hash table (in ust_app_clean_list() at ust-app.c:3012)
DEBUG3 [22946/22946]: Buffer registry destroy all registry (in buffer_reg_destroy_registries() at buffer-registry.c:683)
DEBUG2 [22946/22946]: Closing kernel fd (in cleanup() at main.c:442)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Unloading kernel modules (in cleanup() at main.c:449)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-writeback (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG3 [22946/23264]: Call RCU deleting app PID 19599 (in delete_ust_app_rcu() at ust-app.c:631)
DEBUG2 [22946/23264]: UST app pid 19599 deleted (in delete_ust_app() at ust-app.c:614)
DEBUG3 [22946/23264]: Call RCU deleting app PID 23084 (in delete_ust_app_rcu() at ust-app.c:631)
DEBUG2 [22946/23264]: UST app pid 23084 deleted (in delete_ust_app() at ust-app.c:614)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-workqueue (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-vmscan (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-udp (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-timer (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-sunrpc (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-statedump (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-sock (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-skb (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-signal (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-scsi (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-sched (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-rpm (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-regulator (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-regmap (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-rcu (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-random (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-printk (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-power (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-net (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-napi (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-module (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-lock (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-kvm (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
Wed Mar 27 13:53:52 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-kmem (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-jbd2 (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-jbd (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-irq (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-gpio (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-ext4 (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-ext3 (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-compaction (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-btrfs (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-block (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-probe-asoc (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-types (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
Error: Unable to remove module lttng-probe-lttng
Error: Unable to remove module lttng-ring-buffer-metadata-mmap-client
Error: Unable to remove module lttng-ring-buffer-client-mmap-overwrite
Error: Unable to remove module lttng-ring-buffer-client-mmap-discard
Error: Unable to remove module lttng-ring-buffer-metadata-client
Error: Unable to remove module lttng-ring-buffer-client-overwrite
Error: Unable to remove module lttng-ring-buffer-client-discard
Error: Unable to remove module lttng-lib-ring-buffer
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-kretprobes (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-kprobes (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: Modprobe removal successful lttng-ftrace (in modprobe_remove_lttng_data() at modprobe.c:146)
Error: Unable to remove module lttng-tracer
DEBUG1 [22946/22946]: *** assert failed :-) *** ==> Matthew, BEET driven development works! (in cleanup() at main.c:456)
Wed Mar 27 13:53:53 EDT 2013