Fri Jun 7 12:16:58 EDT 2013
Fri Jun 7 12:16:59 EDT 2013
Fri Jun 7 12:17:00 EDT 2013
Fri Jun 7 12:17:01 EDT 2013
Fri Jun 7 12:17:02 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 8 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Waiting for 1 URIs from client ... (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2862)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _TraceCValidator_c1BRzz (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Tracing session _TraceCValidator_c1BRzz created with ID 856 by UID 0 GID 0 (in session_create() at session.c:216)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _TraceCValidator_c1BRzz (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6dd070 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Setting trace directory path from URI to /tmp/_TraceCValidator_c1BRzz (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:427)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 5 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session _TraceCValidator_c1BRzz by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _TraceCValidator_c1BRzz (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Creating UST session (in create_ust_session() at main.c:2257)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x706310 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6ca6e0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST trace session create successful (in trace_ust_create_session() at trace-ust.c:226)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Copying tracing session consumer output in UST session (in copy_session_consumer() at main.c:2207)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x67ae90 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Copy session consumer subdir /ust (in copy_session_consumer() at main.c:2225)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session _TraceCValidator_c1BRzz (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Enabling channel channel0 for session _TraceCValidator_c1BRzz (in cmd_enable_channel() at cmd.c:857)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 not found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:140)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6e1390 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x67ee10 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 created (in trace_ust_create_channel() at trace-ust.c:283)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Channel channel0 is being created for UST with buffer 1 and id 0 (in channel_ust_create() at channel.c:331)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app adding channel channel0 to UST domain for session id 856 (in ust_app_create_channel_glb() at ust-app.c:3426)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app pid: 26509 session id 856 not found, creating it (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1670)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x67b4c0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Shadow copy of session handle -1 (in shadow_copy_session() at ust-app.c:1430)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 856, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6ac6d0 of type 2 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID created id: 856, ABI: 64, uid: 0, domain: 2 (in buffer_reg_uid_create() at buffer-registry.c:143)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID adding to global registry with id: 856 (in buffer_reg_uid_add() at buffer-registry.c:165)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x66c0f0 of type 2 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "typealias integer { size = 8; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint8_t;
typealias integer { size = 16; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint16_t;
typealias integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint32_t;
typealias integer { size = 64; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint64_t;
typealias integer { size = 64; align = 8; signed = false; } := unsigned long;
typealias integer { size = 5; align = 1; signed = false; } := uint5_t;
typealias integer { size = 27; align = 1; signed = false; } := uint27_t;
trace {
major = 1;
minor = 8;
uuid = "7dcc9b7b-b89e-4c26-95aa-e76021d8a5ad";
byte_order = le;
packet.header := struct {
uint32_t magic;
uint8_t uuid[16];
uint32_t stream_id;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "env {
hostname = "SC-1";
domain = "ust";
tracer_name = "lttng-ust";
tracer_major = 2;
tracer_minor = 2;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "};
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "clock {
name = monotonic;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: " uuid = "a334e7d3-a05b-40c4-b5c2-6a27babb61f8";
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: " description = "Monotonic Clock";
freq = 1000000000; /* Frequency, in Hz */
/* clock value offset from Epoch is: offset * (1/freq) */
offset = 1370519091787098120;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "typealias integer {
size = 27; align = 1; signed = false;
map = clock.monotonic.value;
} := uint27_clock_monotonic_t;
typealias integer {
size = 32; align = 8; signed = false;
map = clock.monotonic.value;
} := uint32_clock_monotonic_t;
typealias integer {
size = 64; align = 8; signed = false;
map = clock.monotonic.value;
} := uint64_clock_monotonic_t;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "struct packet_context {
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp_begin;
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp_end;
uint64_t content_size;
uint64_t packet_size;
unsigned long events_discarded;
uint32_t cpu_id;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "struct event_header_compact {
enum : uint5_t { compact = 0 ... 30, extended = 31 } id;
variant <id> {
struct {
uint27_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} compact;
struct {
uint32_t id;
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} extended;
} v;
} align(8);
struct event_header_large {
enum : uint16_t { compact = 0 ... 65534, extended = 65535 } id;
variant <id> {
struct {
uint32_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} compact;
struct {
uint32_t id;
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} extended;
} v;
} align(8);
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app buffer registry per UID created successfully (in setup_buffer_reg_uid() at ust-app.c:1632)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app session created successfully with handle 139 (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1731)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x69eda0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6c0120 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app channel channel0 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:825)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 started (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1358)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 done (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1407)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating channel channel0 with per UID buffers (in create_channel_per_uid() at ust-app.c:2254)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 856, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app creating buffer registry channel for channel0 (in create_buffer_reg_channel() at ust-app.c:2108)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry channel create with key: 0 (in buffer_reg_channel_create() at buffer-registry.c:324)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6c42c0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Asking UST consumer for channel (in ask_channel_creation() at ust-consumer.c:118)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: mkdir() recursive /tmp/_TraceCValidator_c1BRzz/ust/uid/0/64-bit with mode 504 for uid 0 and gid 0 (in run_as_mkdir_recursive() at runas.c:306)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Using run_as_clone (in run_as() at runas.c:289)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST ask channel 1629 successfully done with 4 stream(s) (in ask_channel_creation() at ust-consumer.c:180)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app stream 1 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:291)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app stream 2 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:291)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app stream 3 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:291)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app stream 4 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:291)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app consumer has no more stream available (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:274)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app setup buffer registry channel for channel0 (in setup_buffer_reg_channel() at ust-app.c:2155)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app setup buffer registry stream (in setup_buffer_reg_streams() at ust-app.c:2063)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app sending buffer registry channel to ust sock 28 (in send_channel_uid_to_ust() at ust-app.c:2191)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app send channel to sock 28 pid 26509 (name: channel0, key: 0) (in ust_consumer_send_channel_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:395)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 28 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 28 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 28 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 28 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create channel channel0 for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:2460)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app pid: 26512 session id 856 not found, creating it (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1670)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6ba9a0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Shadow copy of session handle -1 (in shadow_copy_session() at ust-app.c:1430)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 856, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app session created successfully with handle 139 (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1731)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6a1c50 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x688980 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app channel channel0 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:825)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 started (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1358)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 done (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1407)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating channel channel0 with per UID buffers (in create_channel_per_uid() at ust-app.c:2254)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 856, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app sending buffer registry channel to ust sock 26 (in send_channel_uid_to_ust() at ust-app.c:2191)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app send channel to sock 26 pid 26512 (name: channel0, key: 0) (in ust_consumer_send_channel_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:395)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 26 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 26 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 26 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 26 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create channel channel0 for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:2460)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app pid: 26455 session id 856 not found, creating it (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1670)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x693020 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Shadow copy of session handle -1 (in shadow_copy_session() at ust-app.c:1430)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 856, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app session created successfully with handle 139 (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1731)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x66f060 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x68f9f0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app channel channel0 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:825)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 started (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1358)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 done (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1407)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating channel channel0 with per UID buffers (in create_channel_per_uid() at ust-app.c:2254)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 856, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app sending buffer registry channel to ust sock 30 (in send_channel_uid_to_ust() at ust-app.c:2191)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app send channel to sock 30 pid 26455 (name: channel0, key: 0) (in ust_consumer_send_channel_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:395)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 30 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 30 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 30 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 30 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create channel channel0 for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:2460)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app pid: 26568 session id 856 not found, creating it (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1670)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6b69d0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Shadow copy of session handle -1 (in shadow_copy_session() at ust-app.c:1430)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 856, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app session created successfully with handle 139 (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1731)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x673140 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x707030 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app channel channel0 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:825)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 started (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1358)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 done (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1407)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating channel channel0 with per UID buffers (in create_channel_per_uid() at ust-app.c:2254)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 856, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app sending buffer registry channel to ust sock 32 (in send_channel_uid_to_ust() at ust-app.c:2191)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app send channel to sock 32 pid 26568 (name: channel0, key: 0) (in ust_consumer_send_channel_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:395)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 32 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 32 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 32 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 32 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create channel channel0 for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:2460)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Channel channel0 created successfully (in channel_ust_create() at channel.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 9 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session _TraceCValidator_c1BRzz by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _TraceCValidator_c1BRzz (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No kernel session when tearing down session (in kernel_destroy_session() at kernel.c:741)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroy all UST traces (in ust_app_destroy_trace_all() at ust-app.c:4006)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroy tracing for ust app pid 26509 (in destroy_trace() at ust-app.c:3867)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 856, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app deleting channel channel0 (in delete_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:342)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 856, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST registry channel finding key 1629 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroy tracing for ust app pid 26512 (in destroy_trace() at ust-app.c:3867)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 856, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app deleting channel channel0 (in delete_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:342)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 856, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST registry channel finding key 1630 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroy tracing for ust app pid 26455 (in destroy_trace() at ust-app.c:3867)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 856, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app deleting channel channel0 (in delete_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:342)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 856, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST registry channel finding key 1631 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroy tracing for ust app pid 26568 (in destroy_trace() at ust-app.c:3867)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 856, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app deleting channel channel0 (in delete_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:342)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 856, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST registry channel finding key 1632 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST destroy session 856 (in trace_ust_destroy_session() at trace-ust.c:631)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID destroy with id: 856, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:620)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroying session _TraceCValidator_c1BRzz (in session_destroy() at session.c:157)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Updating kernel poll set (in update_kernel_poll() at main.c:568)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Thread kernel polling on 2 fds (in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:747)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST channel channel0 (in _trace_ust_destroy_channel() at trace-ust.c:545)
DEBUG3 [28559/2173]: Buffer registry session destroy (in buffer_reg_session_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:539)
DEBUG3 [28559/2173]: Buffer registry channel destroy with key 0 (in buffer_reg_channel_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:495)
DEBUG3 [28559/2173]: Buffer registry stream destroy with handle -1 (in buffer_reg_stream_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2173]: Buffer registry stream destroy with handle -1 (in buffer_reg_stream_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2173]: Buffer registry stream destroy with handle -1 (in buffer_reg_stream_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2173]: Buffer registry stream destroy with handle -1 (in buffer_reg_stream_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:443)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 258890, last 257420, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3435)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 3157, last 3037, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 4225, last 4065, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 33649, last 33529, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [28559/28564]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2103)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 8 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Waiting for 1 URIs from client ... (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2862)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Tracing session _Trace_EA created with ID 857 by UID 0 GID 0 (in session_create() at session.c:216)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x706310 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Setting trace directory path from URI to /tmp/ (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:427)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 9 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session _Trace_EA by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No kernel session when tearing down session (in kernel_destroy_session() at kernel.c:741)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroying session _Trace_EA (in session_destroy() at session.c:157)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Updating kernel poll set (in update_kernel_poll() at main.c:568)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Thread kernel polling on 2 fds (in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:747)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:03 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 8 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Waiting for 2 URIs from client ... (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2862)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Tracing session STAB003_b_1 created with ID 858 by UID 0 GID 0 (in session_create() at session.c:216)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6dd070 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Setting network URI to consumer (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:381)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer control URI set with port 52661 (in consumer_set_network_uri() at consumer.c:518)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer set network uri subdir path SC-1/./ (in consumer_set_network_uri() at consumer.c:578)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append domain trace name to subdir SC-1/./ (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:422)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Setting network URI to consumer (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:381)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer data URI set with port 59633 (in consumer_set_network_uri() at consumer.c:533)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 5 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Creating UST session (in create_ust_session() at main.c:2257)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x706310 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x67ae90 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST trace session create successful (in trace_ust_create_session() at trace-ust.c:226)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Copying tracing session consumer output in UST session (in copy_session_consumer() at main.c:2207)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6ca6e0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Copy session consumer subdir SC-1/.//ust (in copy_session_consumer() at main.c:2225)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Relayd connect ... (in relayd_connect() at relayd.c:355)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Creating relayd stream socket from URI (in create_connect_relayd() at cmd.c:516)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Relayd version check for major.minor 2.2 (in relayd_version_check() at relayd.c:254)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Relayd sending command 5 of size 32 (in send_command() at relayd.c:78)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Relayd waiting for reply of size 8 (in recv_reply() at relayd.c:98)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Relayd version is compatible, using protocol version 2.2 (in relayd_version_check() at relayd.c:301)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Sending relayd sock info to consumer on 37 (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:854)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Sending relayd socket file descriptor to consumer (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:867)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Consumer relayd socket sent (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:873)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Relayd closing socket 40 (in relayd_close() at relayd.c:386)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Relayd connect ... (in relayd_connect() at relayd.c:355)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Creating relayd data socket from URI (in create_connect_relayd() at cmd.c:525)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Sending relayd sock info to consumer on 37 (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:854)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Sending relayd socket file descriptor to consumer (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:867)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Consumer relayd socket sent (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:873)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Relayd closing socket 40 (in relayd_close() at relayd.c:386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Enabling channel channel0 for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_enable_channel() at cmd.c:857)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 not found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:140)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x67ee10 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6e1390 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 created (in trace_ust_create_channel() at trace-ust.c:283)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Channel channel0 is being created for UST with buffer 1 and id 0 (in channel_ust_create() at channel.c:331)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app adding channel channel0 to UST domain for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_channel_glb() at ust-app.c:3426)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app pid: 26509 session id 858 not found, creating it (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1670)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x67b4c0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Shadow copy of session handle -1 (in shadow_copy_session() at ust-app.c:1430)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6ac6d0 of type 2 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID created id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0, domain: 2 (in buffer_reg_uid_create() at buffer-registry.c:143)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID adding to global registry with id: 858 (in buffer_reg_uid_add() at buffer-registry.c:165)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x66c0f0 of type 2 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "typealias integer { size = 8; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint8_t;
typealias integer { size = 16; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint16_t;
typealias integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint32_t;
typealias integer { size = 64; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint64_t;
typealias integer { size = 64; align = 8; signed = false; } := unsigned long;
typealias integer { size = 5; align = 1; signed = false; } := uint5_t;
typealias integer { size = 27; align = 1; signed = false; } := uint27_t;
trace {
major = 1;
minor = 8;
uuid = "8faa3843-ad5f-4fee-860a-87505ca33232";
byte_order = le;
packet.header := struct {
uint32_t magic;
uint8_t uuid[16];
uint32_t stream_id;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "env {
hostname = "SC-1";
domain = "ust";
tracer_name = "lttng-ust";
tracer_major = 2;
tracer_minor = 2;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "};
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "clock {
name = monotonic;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: " uuid = "a334e7d3-a05b-40c4-b5c2-6a27babb61f8";
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: " description = "Monotonic Clock";
freq = 1000000000; /* Frequency, in Hz */
/* clock value offset from Epoch is: offset * (1/freq) */
offset = 1370519091787098135;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "typealias integer {
size = 27; align = 1; signed = false;
map = clock.monotonic.value;
} := uint27_clock_monotonic_t;
typealias integer {
size = 32; align = 8; signed = false;
map = clock.monotonic.value;
} := uint32_clock_monotonic_t;
typealias integer {
size = 64; align = 8; signed = false;
map = clock.monotonic.value;
} := uint64_clock_monotonic_t;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "struct packet_context {
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp_begin;
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp_end;
uint64_t content_size;
uint64_t packet_size;
unsigned long events_discarded;
uint32_t cpu_id;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "struct event_header_compact {
enum : uint5_t { compact = 0 ... 30, extended = 31 } id;
variant <id> {
struct {
uint27_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} compact;
struct {
uint32_t id;
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} extended;
} v;
} align(8);
struct event_header_large {
enum : uint16_t { compact = 0 ... 65534, extended = 65535 } id;
variant <id> {
struct {
uint32_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} compact;
struct {
uint32_t id;
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} extended;
} v;
} align(8);
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app buffer registry per UID created successfully (in setup_buffer_reg_uid() at ust-app.c:1632)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app session created successfully with handle 139 (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1731)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x69eda0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x68aad0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app channel channel0 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:825)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 started (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1358)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 done (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1407)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating channel channel0 with per UID buffers (in create_channel_per_uid() at ust-app.c:2254)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app creating buffer registry channel for channel0 (in create_buffer_reg_channel() at ust-app.c:2108)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry channel create with key: 0 (in buffer_reg_channel_create() at buffer-registry.c:324)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6af9e0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Asking UST consumer for channel (in ask_channel_creation() at ust-consumer.c:118)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST ask channel 1633 successfully done with 4 stream(s) (in ask_channel_creation() at ust-consumer.c:180)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app stream 1 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:291)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app stream 2 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:291)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app stream 3 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:291)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:04 EDT 2013
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app stream 4 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:291)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app consumer has no more stream available (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:274)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app setup buffer registry channel for channel0 (in setup_buffer_reg_channel() at ust-app.c:2155)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app setup buffer registry stream (in setup_buffer_reg_streams() at ust-app.c:2063)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app sending buffer registry channel to ust sock 28 (in send_channel_uid_to_ust() at ust-app.c:2191)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app send channel to sock 28 pid 26509 (name: channel0, key: 0) (in ust_consumer_send_channel_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:395)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 28 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 28 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 28 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 28 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create channel channel0 for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:2460)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app pid: 26512 session id 858 not found, creating it (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1670)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6a1c50 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Shadow copy of session handle -1 (in shadow_copy_session() at ust-app.c:1430)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app session created successfully with handle 139 (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1731)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6c0120 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x688980 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app channel channel0 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:825)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 started (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1358)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 done (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1407)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating channel channel0 with per UID buffers (in create_channel_per_uid() at ust-app.c:2254)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app sending buffer registry channel to ust sock 26 (in send_channel_uid_to_ust() at ust-app.c:2191)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app send channel to sock 26 pid 26512 (name: channel0, key: 0) (in ust_consumer_send_channel_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:395)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 26 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 26 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 26 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 26 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create channel channel0 for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:2460)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app pid: 26455 session id 858 not found, creating it (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1670)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x693020 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Shadow copy of session handle -1 (in shadow_copy_session() at ust-app.c:1430)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app session created successfully with handle 139 (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1731)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x710280 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x68f9f0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app channel channel0 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:825)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 started (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1358)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 done (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1407)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating channel channel0 with per UID buffers (in create_channel_per_uid() at ust-app.c:2254)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app sending buffer registry channel to ust sock 30 (in send_channel_uid_to_ust() at ust-app.c:2191)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app send channel to sock 30 pid 26455 (name: channel0, key: 0) (in ust_consumer_send_channel_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:395)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 30 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 30 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 30 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 30 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create channel channel0 for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:2460)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app pid: 26568 session id 858 not found, creating it (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1670)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6d0a80 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Shadow copy of session handle -1 (in shadow_copy_session() at ust-app.c:1430)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app session created successfully with handle 139 (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1731)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6c9310 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6f2800 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app channel channel0 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:825)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 started (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1358)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 done (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1407)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating channel channel0 with per UID buffers (in create_channel_per_uid() at ust-app.c:2254)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app sending buffer registry channel to ust sock 32 (in send_channel_uid_to_ust() at ust-app.c:2191)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app send channel to sock 32 pid 26568 (name: channel0, key: 0) (in ust_consumer_send_channel_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:395)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 32 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 32 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 32 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 32 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create channel channel0 for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:2460)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Channel channel0 created successfully (in channel_ust_create() at channel.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 5 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Enabling channel metadata for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_enable_channel() at cmd.c:857)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel metadata not found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:140)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6d29f0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6ee0d0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel metadata created (in trace_ust_create_channel() at trace-ust.c:283)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Channel metadata is being created for UST with buffer 1 and id 1 (in channel_ust_create() at channel.c:331)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app adding channel metadata to UST domain for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_channel_glb() at ust-app.c:3426)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6b72f0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6d8b50 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app channel metadata allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:825)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Asking UST consumer for channel (in ask_channel_creation() at ust-consumer.c:118)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST ask channel 1637 successfully done with 1 stream(s) (in ask_channel_creation() at ust-consumer.c:180)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Consumer setup metadata channel key 1637 (in consumer_setup_metadata() at consumer.c:1081)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST metadata with key 1637 created for app pid 26509 (in create_ust_app_metadata() at ust-app.c:2635)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app deleting channel metadata (in delete_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:342)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST registry channel finding key 1637 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Channel metadata created successfully (in channel_ust_create() at channel.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 0 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app adding context to channel channel0 (in create_ust_app_channel_context() at ust-app.c:1762)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app context 1 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_ctx() at ust-app.c:906)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app context handle -1 created successfully for channel channel0 (in create_ust_channel_context() at ust-app.c:1045)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app adding context to channel channel0 (in create_ust_app_channel_context() at ust-app.c:1762)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app context 1 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_ctx() at ust-app.c:906)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app context handle -1 created successfully for channel channel0 (in create_ust_channel_context() at ust-app.c:1045)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app adding context to channel channel0 (in create_ust_app_channel_context() at ust-app.c:1762)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app context 1 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_ctx() at ust-app.c:906)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app context handle -1 created successfully for channel channel0 (in create_ust_channel_context() at ust-app.c:1045)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app adding context to channel channel0 (in create_ust_app_channel_context() at ust-app.c:1762)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app context 1 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_ctx() at ust-app.c:906)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app context handle -1 created successfully for channel channel0 (in create_ust_channel_context() at ust-app.c:1045)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Context UST 1 added to channel channel0 (in add_uctx_to_channel() at context.c:136)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Context UST 1 added to channel metadata (in add_uctx_to_channel() at context.c:136)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_b_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for all apps for session id 858 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 16 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Starting all UST traces (in ust_app_start_trace_all() at ust-app.c:3909)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Starting tracing for ust app pid 26509 (in ust_app_start_trace() at ust-app.c:3634)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 29 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB, sig: const char *, my_Time, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB";
id = 0;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 11;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB with id 0 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 29 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA, sig: const char *, my_Time, int , OnePs, int , TenPs, float , unit_float, const char *, unit_string, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA";
id = 1;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 10;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _TenPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " floating_point { exp_dig = 8; mant_dig = 24; align = 8; } _unit_float;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _unit_string;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA with id 1 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 29 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB, sig: const char *, my_Time, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB";
id = 2;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 9;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB with id 2 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 29 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA, sig: const char *, my_Time, int , OnePs, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA";
id = 3;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 8;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA with id 3 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 29 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB, sig: const char *, my_Time, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB";
id = 4;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 11;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB with id 4 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 29 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA, sig: const char *, my_Time, int , OnePs, int , TenPs, float , unit_float, const char *, unit_string, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA";
id = 5;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 10;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _TenPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " floating_point { exp_dig = 8; mant_dig = 24; align = 8; } _unit_float;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _unit_string;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA with id 5 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 29 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB, sig: const char *, my_Time, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB";
id = 6;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 9;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB with id 6 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 29 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA, sig: const char *, my_Time, int , OnePs, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA";
id = 7;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 8;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA with id 7 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 29 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event, sig: const char *, my_Time, int, OnePs , const char*, my_ProgramInfo, float, Pi_Value, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event";
id = 8;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 5;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _CallingFrom;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " floating_point { exp_dig = 8; mant_dig = 24; align = 8; } _ValueOfPi;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event with id 8 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 29 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event, sig: const char *, my_Time, int, OnePs , const char*, my_ProgramInfo, long *, My_LongArray, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event";
id = 9;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 4;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _CallingFrom;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 64; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _My_LongArray[3];
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event with id 9 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 29 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event, sig: const char *, my_Time, int, OnePs, const char*, my_ProgramInfo, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event";
id = 10;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 3;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _CallingFrom;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs_in_Integer;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 16; } _OnePs_in_Hex;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event with id 10 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 29 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register channel received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4692)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "stream {
id = 0;
event.header := struct event_header_compact;
packet.context := struct packet_context;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " event.context := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _vpid;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "};
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app replying to register channel key 0 with id 0, type: 1, ret: 0 (in reply_ust_register_channel() at ust-app.c:4530)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Starting tracing for ust app pid 26512 (in ust_app_start_trace() at ust-app.c:3634)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 27 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB, sig: const char *, my_Time, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB with id 0 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 27 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA, sig: const char *, my_Time, int , OnePs, int , TenPs, float , unit_float, const char *, unit_string, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA with id 1 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 27 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB, sig: const char *, my_Time, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB with id 2 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 27 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA, sig: const char *, my_Time, int , OnePs, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA with id 3 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 27 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB, sig: const char *, my_Time, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB with id 4 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 27 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA, sig: const char *, my_Time, int , OnePs, int , TenPs, float , unit_float, const char *, unit_string, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA with id 5 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 27 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB, sig: const char *, my_Time, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB with id 6 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 27 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA, sig: const char *, my_Time, int , OnePs, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA with id 7 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 27 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event, sig: const char *, my_Time, int, OnePs , const char*, my_ProgramInfo, float, Pi_Value, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event with id 8 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 27 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event, sig: const char *, my_Time, int, OnePs , const char*, my_ProgramInfo, long *, My_LongArray, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event with id 9 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 27 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event, sig: const char *, my_Time, int, OnePs, const char*, my_ProgramInfo, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event with id 10 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 27 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register channel received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4692)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app replying to register channel key 0 with id 0, type: 1, ret: 0 (in reply_ust_register_channel() at ust-app.c:4530)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Starting tracing for ust app pid 26455 (in ust_app_start_trace() at ust-app.c:3634)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 31 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB, sig: const char *, my_Time, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB";
id = 11;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 11;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB with id 11 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 31 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA, sig: const char *, my_Time, int , OnePs, int , TenPs, float , unit_float, const char *, unit_string, const char *, stringAllSigns, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA";
id = 12;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 10;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _TenPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " floating_point { exp_dig = 8; mant_dig = 24; align = 8; } _unit_float;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _unit_string;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _stringAllSigns;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA with id 12 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 31 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB, sig: const char*, my_Time, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB";
id = 13;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 9;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB with id 13 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 31 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA, sig: const char *, my_Time, int , OnePs, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA";
id = 14;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 8;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA with id 14 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 31 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event, sig: const char *, my_Time, int, OnePs , const char*, my_ProgramInfo, float, Pi_Value, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event with id 8 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 31 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event, sig: const char *, my_Time, int, OnePs , const char*, my_ProgramInfo, long *, My_LongArray, size_t, ArrayLength, char *, text, size_t, TextLength, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event";
id = 15;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 4;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _CallingFrom;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 64; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _Using_Array[2];
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 64; align = 8; signed = 0; encoding = none; base = 10; } __Using_sequence_length;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 64; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _Using_sequence[ __Using_sequence_length ];
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 8; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _array[2];
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 8; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = UTF8; base = 10; } _array_text[2];
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event with id 15 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 31 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event, sig: const char *, my_Time, int, OnePs, const char*, my_ProgramInfo, int, incrementMe, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event";
id = 16;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 3;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _CallingFrom;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs_in_Integer;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 16; } _OnePs_in_Hex;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _incrementMe;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event with id 16 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 31 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register channel received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4692)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app replying to register channel key 0 with id 0, type: 1, ret: 0 (in reply_ust_register_channel() at ust-app.c:4530)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Starting tracing for ust app pid 26568 (in ust_app_start_trace() at ust-app.c:3634)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 33 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA, sig: const char *, my_Time, int , OnePs, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA";
id = 17;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 3;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA with id 17 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 33 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB, sig: const char *, my_Time, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB";
id = 18;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 11;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB with id 18 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 33 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA, sig: const char *, my_Time, int , OnePs, int , TenPs, float , unit_float, const char *, unit_string, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA";
id = 19;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 10;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _TenPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " floating_point { exp_dig = 8; mant_dig = 24; align = 8; } _unit_float;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _unit_string;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA with id 19 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 33 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB, sig: const char *, my_Time, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB";
id = 20;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 9;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB with id 20 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 33 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA, sig: const char *, my_Time, int , OnePs, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA";
id = 21;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 8;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA with id 21 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 33 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB, sig: const char *, my_Time, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB";
id = 22;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 11;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB with id 22 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 33 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA, sig: const char *, my_Time, int , OnePs, int , TenPs, float , unit_float, const char *, unit_string, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA";
id = 23;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 10;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _TenPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " floating_point { exp_dig = 8; mant_dig = 24; align = 8; } _unit_float;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _unit_string;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA with id 23 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 33 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB, sig: const char *, my_Time, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB";
id = 24;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 9;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB with id 24 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 33 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA, sig: const char *, my_Time, int , OnePs, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA";
id = 25;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 8;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA with id 25 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 33 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event, sig: const char *, my_Time, int, OnePs , const char*, my_ProgramInfo, float, Pi_Value, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event with id 8 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 33 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event, sig: const char *, my_Time, int, OnePs , const char*, my_ProgramInfo, long *, My_LongArray, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event with id 9 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 33 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event, sig: const char *, my_Time, int, OnePs, const char*, my_ProgramInfo, id: 0, chan_objd: 93, sess_objd: 139, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event with id 10 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 33 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register channel received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4692)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app replying to register channel key 0 with id 0, type: 1, ret: 0 (in reply_ust_register_channel() at ust-app.c:4530)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:05 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 858, key 1637 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Consumer pushing metadata on sock 38 of len 9884 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1128)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 8 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Waiting for 2 URIs from client ... (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2862)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB002_3 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Tracing session STAB002_3 created with ID 859 by UID 0 GID 0 (in session_create() at session.c:216)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB002_3 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6d8900 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Setting network URI to consumer (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:381)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer control URI set with port 59685 (in consumer_set_network_uri() at consumer.c:518)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer set network uri subdir path SC-1/./ (in consumer_set_network_uri() at consumer.c:578)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append domain trace name to subdir SC-1/./ (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:422)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Setting network URI to consumer (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:381)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer data URI set with port 54789 (in consumer_set_network_uri() at consumer.c:533)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 5 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB002_3 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB002_3 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Creating UST session (in create_ust_session() at main.c:2257)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6b70c0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6d00e0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST trace session create successful (in trace_ust_create_session() at trace-ust.c:226)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Copying tracing session consumer output in UST session (in copy_session_consumer() at main.c:2207)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6d00e0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Copy session consumer subdir SC-1/.//ust (in copy_session_consumer() at main.c:2225)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB002_3 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Relayd connect ... (in relayd_connect() at relayd.c:355)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Creating relayd stream socket from URI (in create_connect_relayd() at cmd.c:516)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Relayd version check for major.minor 2.2 (in relayd_version_check() at relayd.c:254)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Relayd sending command 5 of size 32 (in send_command() at relayd.c:78)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Relayd waiting for reply of size 8 (in recv_reply() at relayd.c:98)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:06 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 858, key 1637 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1637 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Relayd version is compatible, using protocol version 2.2 (in relayd_version_check() at relayd.c:301)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Sending relayd sock info to consumer on 37 (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:854)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Sending relayd socket file descriptor to consumer (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:867)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Consumer relayd socket sent (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:873)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Relayd closing socket 53 (in relayd_close() at relayd.c:386)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Relayd connect ... (in relayd_connect() at relayd.c:355)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Creating relayd data socket from URI (in create_connect_relayd() at cmd.c:525)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Sending relayd sock info to consumer on 37 (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:854)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Sending relayd socket file descriptor to consumer (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:867)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Consumer relayd socket sent (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:873)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Relayd closing socket 53 (in relayd_close() at relayd.c:386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Enabling channel channel0 for session STAB002_3 (in cmd_enable_channel() at cmd.c:857)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 not found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:140)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6d5f70 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6d6480 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 created (in trace_ust_create_channel() at trace-ust.c:283)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Channel channel0 is being created for UST with buffer 1 and id 0 (in channel_ust_create() at channel.c:331)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app adding channel channel0 to UST domain for session id 859 (in ust_app_create_channel_glb() at ust-app.c:3426)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app pid: 26509 session id 859 not found, creating it (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1670)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6d7a60 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Shadow copy of session handle -1 (in shadow_copy_session() at ust-app.c:1430)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6d7fa0 of type 2 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID created id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0, domain: 2 (in buffer_reg_uid_create() at buffer-registry.c:143)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID adding to global registry with id: 859 (in buffer_reg_uid_add() at buffer-registry.c:165)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x723770 of type 2 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "typealias integer { size = 8; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint8_t;
typealias integer { size = 16; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint16_t;
typealias integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint32_t;
typealias integer { size = 64; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint64_t;
typealias integer { size = 64; align = 8; signed = false; } := unsigned long;
typealias integer { size = 5; align = 1; signed = false; } := uint5_t;
typealias integer { size = 27; align = 1; signed = false; } := uint27_t;
trace {
major = 1;
minor = 8;
uuid = "acc7a477-1f44-4256-a39f-0016baf2a4de";
byte_order = le;
packet.header := struct {
uint32_t magic;
uint8_t uuid[16];
uint32_t stream_id;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "env {
hostname = "SC-1";
domain = "ust";
tracer_name = "lttng-ust";
tracer_major = 2;
tracer_minor = 2;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "};
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "clock {
name = monotonic;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: " uuid = "a334e7d3-a05b-40c4-b5c2-6a27babb61f8";
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: " description = "Monotonic Clock";
freq = 1000000000; /* Frequency, in Hz */
/* clock value offset from Epoch is: offset * (1/freq) */
offset = 1370519091787098133;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "typealias integer {
size = 27; align = 1; signed = false;
map = clock.monotonic.value;
} := uint27_clock_monotonic_t;
typealias integer {
size = 32; align = 8; signed = false;
map = clock.monotonic.value;
} := uint32_clock_monotonic_t;
typealias integer {
size = 64; align = 8; signed = false;
map = clock.monotonic.value;
} := uint64_clock_monotonic_t;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "struct packet_context {
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp_begin;
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp_end;
uint64_t content_size;
uint64_t packet_size;
unsigned long events_discarded;
uint32_t cpu_id;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "struct event_header_compact {
enum : uint5_t { compact = 0 ... 30, extended = 31 } id;
variant <id> {
struct {
uint27_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} compact;
struct {
uint32_t id;
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} extended;
} v;
} align(8);
struct event_header_large {
enum : uint16_t { compact = 0 ... 65534, extended = 65535 } id;
variant <id> {
struct {
uint32_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} compact;
struct {
uint32_t id;
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} extended;
} v;
} align(8);
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app buffer registry per UID created successfully (in setup_buffer_reg_uid() at ust-app.c:1632)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app session created successfully with handle 189 (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1731)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x724f70 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x725460 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app channel channel0 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:825)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 started (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1358)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 done (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1407)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating channel channel0 with per UID buffers (in create_channel_per_uid() at ust-app.c:2254)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app creating buffer registry channel for channel0 (in create_buffer_reg_channel() at ust-app.c:2108)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry channel create with key: 0 (in buffer_reg_channel_create() at buffer-registry.c:324)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x7259a0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Asking UST consumer for channel (in ask_channel_creation() at ust-consumer.c:118)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST ask channel 1638 successfully done with 4 stream(s) (in ask_channel_creation() at ust-consumer.c:180)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app stream 1 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:291)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app stream 2 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:291)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app stream 3 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:291)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app stream 4 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:291)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app consumer has no more stream available (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:274)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app setup buffer registry channel for channel0 (in setup_buffer_reg_channel() at ust-app.c:2155)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app setup buffer registry stream (in setup_buffer_reg_streams() at ust-app.c:2063)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app sending buffer registry channel to ust sock 28 (in send_channel_uid_to_ust() at ust-app.c:2191)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app send channel to sock 28 pid 26509 (name: channel0, key: 0) (in ust_consumer_send_channel_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:395)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 28 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 28 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 28 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 28 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create channel channel0 for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:2460)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app pid: 26512 session id 859 not found, creating it (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1670)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6c3340 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Shadow copy of session handle -1 (in shadow_copy_session() at ust-app.c:1430)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app session created successfully with handle 189 (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1731)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6c1a90 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6c1fd0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app channel channel0 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:825)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 started (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1358)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 done (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1407)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating channel channel0 with per UID buffers (in create_channel_per_uid() at ust-app.c:2254)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app sending buffer registry channel to ust sock 26 (in send_channel_uid_to_ust() at ust-app.c:2191)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app send channel to sock 26 pid 26512 (name: channel0, key: 0) (in ust_consumer_send_channel_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:395)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 26 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 26 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 26 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 26 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create channel channel0 for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:2460)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app pid: 26455 session id 859 not found, creating it (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1670)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6c2650 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Shadow copy of session handle -1 (in shadow_copy_session() at ust-app.c:1430)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app session created successfully with handle 189 (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1731)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6b4d40 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6b5280 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app channel channel0 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:825)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 started (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1358)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 done (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1407)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating channel channel0 with per UID buffers (in create_channel_per_uid() at ust-app.c:2254)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app sending buffer registry channel to ust sock 30 (in send_channel_uid_to_ust() at ust-app.c:2191)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app send channel to sock 30 pid 26455 (name: channel0, key: 0) (in ust_consumer_send_channel_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:395)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 30 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 30 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 30 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 30 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create channel channel0 for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:2460)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app pid: 26568 session id 859 not found, creating it (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1670)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6b5cc0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Shadow copy of session handle -1 (in shadow_copy_session() at ust-app.c:1430)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app session created successfully with handle 189 (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1731)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6f9f10 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6fa450 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app channel channel0 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:825)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 started (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1358)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 done (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1407)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating channel channel0 with per UID buffers (in create_channel_per_uid() at ust-app.c:2254)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app sending buffer registry channel to ust sock 32 (in send_channel_uid_to_ust() at ust-app.c:2191)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app send channel to sock 32 pid 26568 (name: channel0, key: 0) (in ust_consumer_send_channel_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:395)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 32 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 32 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 32 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 32 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create channel channel0 for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:2460)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Channel channel0 created successfully (in channel_ust_create() at channel.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 5 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB002_3 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB002_3 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB002_3 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Enabling channel metadata for session STAB002_3 (in cmd_enable_channel() at cmd.c:857)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel metadata not found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:140)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6fb150 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6fb690 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel metadata created (in trace_ust_create_channel() at trace-ust.c:283)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Channel metadata is being created for UST with buffer 1 and id 1 (in channel_ust_create() at channel.c:331)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app adding channel metadata to UST domain for session id 859 (in ust_app_create_channel_glb() at ust-app.c:3426)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6fbde0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x710960 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app channel metadata allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:825)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Asking UST consumer for channel (in ask_channel_creation() at ust-consumer.c:118)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST ask channel 1642 successfully done with 1 stream(s) (in ask_channel_creation() at ust-consumer.c:180)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Consumer setup metadata channel key 1642 (in consumer_setup_metadata() at consumer.c:1081)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST metadata with key 1642 created for app pid 26509 (in create_ust_app_metadata() at ust-app.c:2635)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app deleting channel metadata (in delete_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:342)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST registry channel finding key 1642 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Channel metadata created successfully (in channel_ust_create() at channel.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 0 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB002_3 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB002_3 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB002_3 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app adding context to channel channel0 (in create_ust_app_channel_context() at ust-app.c:1762)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app context 1 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_ctx() at ust-app.c:906)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app context handle -1 created successfully for channel channel0 (in create_ust_channel_context() at ust-app.c:1045)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app adding context to channel channel0 (in create_ust_app_channel_context() at ust-app.c:1762)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app context 1 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_ctx() at ust-app.c:906)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app context handle -1 created successfully for channel channel0 (in create_ust_channel_context() at ust-app.c:1045)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app adding context to channel channel0 (in create_ust_app_channel_context() at ust-app.c:1762)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app context 1 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_ctx() at ust-app.c:906)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app context handle -1 created successfully for channel channel0 (in create_ust_channel_context() at ust-app.c:1045)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app adding context to channel channel0 (in create_ust_app_channel_context() at ust-app.c:1762)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app context 1 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_ctx() at ust-app.c:906)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app context handle -1 created successfully for channel channel0 (in create_ust_channel_context() at ust-app.c:1045)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Context UST 1 added to channel channel0 (in add_uctx_to_channel() at context.c:136)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Context UST 1 added to channel metadata (in add_uctx_to_channel() at context.c:136)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB002_3 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB002_3 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB002_3 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_hightraf:KiloPerSec NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_hightraf:KiloPerSec, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_hightraf:KiloPerSec for all apps for session id 859 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_hightraf:KiloPerSec created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB002_3 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB002_3 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB002_3 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_hightraf:KiloPerSec NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_hightraf:KiloPerSec, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_hightraf:KiloPerSec for all apps for session id 859 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_hightraf:KiloPerSec created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB002_3 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB002_3 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB002_3 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_hightraf:KiloPerSec NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_hightraf:KiloPerSec, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_hightraf:KiloPerSec for all apps for session id 859 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_hightraf:KiloPerSec created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB002_3 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB002_3 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB002_3 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec for all apps for session id 859 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 6 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB002_3 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB002_3 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB002_3 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:135)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec NOT found (in trace_ust_find_event() at trace-ust.c:174)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec, loglevel (1,14) created (in trace_ust_create_event() at trace-ust.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec for all apps for session id 859 (in ust_app_create_event_glb() at ust-app.c:3579)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26509 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26512 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26455 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec allocated (in alloc_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:881)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec created successfully for pid:26568 (in create_ust_event() at ust-app.c:1284)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_event() at ust-app.c:2520)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Event UST com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec created in channel channel0 (in event_ust_enable_tracepoint() at event.c:467)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 16 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB002_3 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB002_3 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Starting all UST traces (in ust_app_start_trace_all() at ust-app.c:3909)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Starting tracing for ust app pid 26509 (in ust_app_start_trace() at ust-app.c:3634)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 29 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec, sig: const char*, my_Time, int, OnePs , int, TenPs , int, HundredPs, int, KiloPs, float , unit_float, const char *, unit_string, id: 0, chan_objd: 134, sess_objd: 189, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec";
id = 0;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 13;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _TenPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _HundredPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _KiloPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " floating_point { exp_dig = 8; mant_dig = 24; align = 8; } _unit_float;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _unit_string;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec with id 0 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 29 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec, sig: const char*, my_Time, int, OnePs , int, TenPs , int, HundredPs, int, KiloPs, float , unit_float, const char *, unit_string, id: 0, chan_objd: 134, sess_objd: 189, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec";
id = 1;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 13;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _TenPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _HundredPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _KiloPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " floating_point { exp_dig = 8; mant_dig = 24; align = 8; } _unit_float;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _unit_string;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec with id 1 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 29 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register channel received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4692)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "stream {
id = 0;
event.header := struct event_header_compact;
packet.context := struct packet_context;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " event.context := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _vpid;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "};
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app replying to register channel key 0 with id 0, type: 1, ret: 0 (in reply_ust_register_channel() at ust-app.c:4530)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Starting tracing for ust app pid 26512 (in ust_app_start_trace() at ust-app.c:3634)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 27 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec, sig: const char*, my_Time, int, OnePs , int, TenPs , int, HundredPs, int, KiloPs, float , unit_float, const char *, unit_string, id: 0, chan_objd: 134, sess_objd: 189, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_hightraf:KiloPerSec with id 0 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 27 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec, sig: const char*, my_Time, int, OnePs , int, TenPs , int, HundredPs, int, KiloPs, float , unit_float, const char *, unit_string, id: 0, chan_objd: 134, sess_objd: 189, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_hightraf:KiloPerSec with id 1 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 27 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register channel received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4692)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app replying to register channel key 0 with id 0, type: 1, ret: 0 (in reply_ust_register_channel() at ust-app.c:4530)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Starting tracing for ust app pid 26455 (in ust_app_start_trace() at ust-app.c:3634)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 31 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_hightraf:KiloPerSec, sig: const char*, my_Time, int, OnePs , int, TenPs , int, HundredPs, int, KiloPs, float , unit_float, const char *, unit_string, id: 0, chan_objd: 134, sess_objd: 189, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_hightraf:KiloPerSec";
id = 2;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 14;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _TenPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _HundredPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _KiloPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " floating_point { exp_dig = 8; mant_dig = 24; align = 8; } _unit_float;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _unit_string;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_hightraf:KiloPerSec with id 2 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 31 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register channel received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4692)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app replying to register channel key 0 with id 0, type: 1, ret: 0 (in reply_ust_register_channel() at ust-app.c:4530)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Starting tracing for ust app pid 26568 (in ust_app_start_trace() at ust-app.c:3634)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 33 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_hightraf:KiloPerSec, sig: const char*, my_Time, int, OnePs , int, TenPs , int, HundredPs, int, KiloPs, float , unit_float, const char *, unit_string, id: 0, chan_objd: 134, sess_objd: 189, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_hightraf:KiloPerSec";
id = 3;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 14;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _TenPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _HundredPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _KiloPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " floating_point { exp_dig = 8; mant_dig = 24; align = 8; } _unit_float;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _unit_string;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_hightraf:KiloPerSec with id 3 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 33 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register event received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4664)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry creating event with event: com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_hightraf:KiloPerSec, sig: const char*, my_Time, int, OnePs , int, TenPs , int, HundredPs, int, KiloPs, float , unit_float, const char *, unit_string, id: 0, chan_objd: 134, sess_objd: 189, chan_id: 0 (in ust_registry_create_event() at ust-registry.c:233)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: "event {
name = "com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_hightraf:KiloPerSec";
id = 4;
stream_id = 0;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " loglevel = 14;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " fields := struct {
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _my_Time;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _OnePs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _TenPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _HundredPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = none; base = 10; } _KiloPs;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " floating_point { exp_dig = 8; mant_dig = 24; align = 8; } _unit_float;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " string _unit_string;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Append to metadata: " };
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_hightraf:KiloPerSec with id 4 added successfully (in add_event_ust_registry() at ust-app.c:4625)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app receiving notify from sock 33 (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4644)
DEBUG2 [28559/28569]: UST app ustctl register channel received (in ust_app_recv_notify() at ust-app.c:4692)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: UST app replying to register channel key 0 with id 0, type: 1, ret: 0 (in reply_ust_register_channel() at ust-app.c:4530)
DEBUG3 [28559/28569]: [ust-thread] Manage notify polling on 6 fds (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:54)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 858, key 1637 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:07 EDT 2013
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1637 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3435)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 260422, last 258890, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 3157, last 3037, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 4225, last 4065, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 33687, last 33529, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [28559/28564]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2103)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 8 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Waiting for 1 URIs from client ... (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2862)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Tracing session _Trace_EA created with ID 860 by UID 0 GID 0 (in session_create() at session.c:216)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x710ae0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Setting trace directory path from URI to /tmp/ (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:427)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 9 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session _Trace_EA by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No kernel session when tearing down session (in kernel_destroy_session() at kernel.c:741)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroying session _Trace_EA (in session_destroy() at session.c:157)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Updating kernel poll set (in update_kernel_poll() at main.c:568)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Thread kernel polling on 2 fds (in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:747)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Consumer pushing metadata on sock 38 of len 5402 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1128)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 858, key 1637 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1637 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:08 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 18 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Reallocating event field list from 32 to 64 entries (in ust_app_list_event_fields() at ust-app.c:3084)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Reallocating event field list from 64 to 128 entries (in ust_app_list_event_fields() at ust-app.c:3084)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Reallocating event field list from 128 to 256 entries (in ust_app_list_event_fields() at ust-app.c:3084)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Reallocating event field list from 256 to 512 entries (in ust_app_list_event_fields() at ust-app.c:3084)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app list event fields done (289 events) (in ust_app_list_event_fields() at ust-app.c:3112)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 330632, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 858, key 1637 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1637 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:09 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 858, key 1637 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1637 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:10 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 13 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Counting number of available session for UID 0 GID 0 (in lttng_sessions_count() at main.c:2341)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting all available session for UID 0 GID 0 (in cmd_list_lttng_sessions() at cmd.c:2055)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 8760, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 17 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Stopping all UST traces (in ust_app_stop_trace_all() at ust-app.c:3935)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Stopping tracing for ust app pid 26509 (in ust_app_stop_trace() at ust-app.c:3728)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1637 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Stopping tracing for ust app pid 26512 (in ust_app_stop_trace() at ust-app.c:3728)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1637 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Stopping tracing for ust app pid 26455 (in ust_app_stop_trace() at ust-app.c:3728)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1637 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Stopping tracing for ust app pid 26568 (in ust_app_stop_trace() at ust-app.c:3728)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1637 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Consumer flush channel key 1633 (in consumer_flush_channel() at consumer.c:1015)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 24 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer data pending for id 858 (in consumer_is_data_pending() at consumer.c:949)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Consumer data is pending for session id 858 (in consumer_is_data_pending() at consumer.c:994)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Unknown error code) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 24 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer data pending for id 858 (in consumer_is_data_pending() at consumer.c:949)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 858, key 1637 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1637 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Consumer data is pending for session id 858 (in consumer_is_data_pending() at consumer.c:994)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Unknown error code) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 24 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer data pending for id 858 (in consumer_is_data_pending() at consumer.c:949)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:12 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Consumer data is pending for session id 858 (in consumer_is_data_pending() at consumer.c:994)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Unknown error code) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 24 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer data pending for id 858 (in consumer_is_data_pending() at consumer.c:949)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 858, key 1637 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1637 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Consumer data is pending for session id 858 (in consumer_is_data_pending() at consumer.c:994)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Unknown error code) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 24 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer data pending for id 858 (in consumer_is_data_pending() at consumer.c:949)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Consumer data is pending for session id 858 (in consumer_is_data_pending() at consumer.c:994)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Unknown error code) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 24 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer data pending for id 858 (in consumer_is_data_pending() at consumer.c:949)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Consumer data is pending for session id 858 (in consumer_is_data_pending() at consumer.c:994)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Unknown error code) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 24 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer data pending for id 858 (in consumer_is_data_pending() at consumer.c:949)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 261210, last 258890, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 3157, last 3157, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 4225, last 4225, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 33809, last 33687, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [28559/28564]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2103)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:13 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Consumer data is pending for session id 858 (in consumer_is_data_pending() at consumer.c:994)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Unknown error code) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3435)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 8 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Waiting for 1 URIs from client ... (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2862)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Tracing session _Trace_EA created with ID 861 by UID 0 GID 0 (in session_create() at session.c:216)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x710ae0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Setting trace directory path from URI to /tmp/ (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:427)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 9 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session _Trace_EA by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No kernel session when tearing down session (in kernel_destroy_session() at kernel.c:741)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroying session _Trace_EA (in session_destroy() at session.c:157)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Updating kernel poll set (in update_kernel_poll() at main.c:568)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Thread kernel polling on 2 fds (in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:747)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 24 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer data pending for id 858 (in consumer_is_data_pending() at consumer.c:949)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 858, key 1637 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1637 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Consumer data is NOT pending for session id 858 (in consumer_is_data_pending() at consumer.c:994)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Unknown error code) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 9 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_b_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_b_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No kernel session when tearing down session (in kernel_destroy_session() at kernel.c:741)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Sending destroy relayd command to consumer sock 37 (in consumer_send_destroy_relayd() at consumer.c:129)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Consumer send destroy relayd command done (in consumer_send_destroy_relayd() at consumer.c:152)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroy all UST traces (in ust_app_destroy_trace_all() at ust-app.c:4006)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroy tracing for ust app pid 26509 (in destroy_trace() at ust-app.c:3867)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1637 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app deleting channel channel0 (in delete_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:342)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST registry channel finding key 1633 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroy tracing for ust app pid 26512 (in destroy_trace() at ust-app.c:3867)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1637 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app deleting channel channel0 (in delete_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:342)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST registry channel finding key 1634 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroy tracing for ust app pid 26455 (in destroy_trace() at ust-app.c:3867)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1637 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app deleting channel channel0 (in delete_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:342)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST registry channel finding key 1635 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroy tracing for ust app pid 26568 (in destroy_trace() at ust-app.c:3867)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1637 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app deleting channel channel0 (in delete_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:342)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST registry channel finding key 1636 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST destroy session 858 (in trace_ust_destroy_session() at trace-ust.c:631)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID destroy with id: 858, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:620)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Consumer close metadata channel key 1637 (in consumer_close_metadata() at consumer.c:1048)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroying session STAB003_b_1 (in session_destroy() at session.c:157)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Updating kernel poll set (in update_kernel_poll() at main.c:568)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Thread kernel polling on 2 fds (in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:747)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST channel channel0 (in _trace_ust_destroy_channel() at trace-ust.c:545)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST channel metadata (in _trace_ust_destroy_channel() at trace-ust.c:545)
DEBUG3 [28559/2173]: Buffer registry session destroy (in buffer_reg_session_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:539)
DEBUG3 [28559/2173]: Buffer registry channel destroy with key 0 (in buffer_reg_channel_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:495)
DEBUG3 [28559/2173]: Buffer registry stream destroy with handle -1 (in buffer_reg_stream_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2173]: Buffer registry stream destroy with handle -1 (in buffer_reg_stream_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2173]: Buffer registry stream destroy with handle -1 (in buffer_reg_stream_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2173]: Buffer registry stream destroy with handle -1 (in buffer_reg_stream_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:443)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecB (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecA (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread_main:OnePerSecA (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecB (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp:testapp_domain_event (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecB (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba:cba_domain_event (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:OnePerSecA (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:OnePerSecA (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_parent_lowtraf:TenPerSecB (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecA (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecA (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecA (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecA (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread2_lowtraf:TenPerSecB (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace:trace_domain_event (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:TenPerSecB (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_lowtraf:OnePerSecB (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:OnePerSecB (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecB (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_testapp_fork_child_lowtraf:TenPerSecA (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecB (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:OnePerSecA (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST event com_ericsson_cba_trace_testapp_thread1_lowtraf:TenPerSecA (in trace_ust_destroy_event() at trace-ust.c:496)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:14 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:15 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:16 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:17 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 261307, last 258890, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 3157, last 3157, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 4225, last 4225, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 33881, last 33687, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [28559/28564]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2103)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3435)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 8 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Waiting for 1 URIs from client ... (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2862)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Tracing session _Trace_EA created with ID 862 by UID 0 GID 0 (in session_create() at session.c:216)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x706310 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Setting trace directory path from URI to /tmp/ (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:427)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 9 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session _Trace_EA by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No kernel session when tearing down session (in kernel_destroy_session() at kernel.c:741)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroying session _Trace_EA (in session_destroy() at session.c:157)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Updating kernel poll set (in update_kernel_poll() at main.c:568)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Thread kernel polling on 2 fds (in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:747)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:18 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:19 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:20 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:21 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:22 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3435)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 261350, last 258890, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 3157, last 3157, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 4225, last 4225, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 33941, last 33687, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [28559/28564]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2103)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 8 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Waiting for 1 URIs from client ... (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2862)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Tracing session _Trace_EA created with ID 863 by UID 0 GID 0 (in session_create() at session.c:216)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6dd070 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Setting trace directory path from URI to /tmp/ (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:427)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 9 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session _Trace_EA by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No kernel session when tearing down session (in kernel_destroy_session() at kernel.c:741)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroying session _Trace_EA (in session_destroy() at session.c:157)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Updating kernel poll set (in update_kernel_poll() at main.c:568)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Thread kernel polling on 2 fds (in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:747)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:23 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:24 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:25 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:26 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 261386, last 261350, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3435)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 3157, last 3157, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 4225, last 4225, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 34001, last 33687, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [28559/28564]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2103)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 8 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Waiting for 1 URIs from client ... (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2862)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Tracing session _Trace_EA created with ID 864 by UID 0 GID 0 (in session_create() at session.c:216)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x706310 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Setting trace directory path from URI to /tmp/ (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:427)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 9 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session _Trace_EA by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No kernel session when tearing down session (in kernel_destroy_session() at kernel.c:741)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroying session _Trace_EA (in session_destroy() at session.c:157)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Updating kernel poll set (in update_kernel_poll() at main.c:568)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Thread kernel polling on 2 fds (in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:747)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:28 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:29 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:30 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:31 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 18 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Reallocating event field list from 32 to 64 entries (in ust_app_list_event_fields() at ust-app.c:3084)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Reallocating event field list from 64 to 128 entries (in ust_app_list_event_fields() at ust-app.c:3084)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Reallocating event field list from 128 to 256 entries (in ust_app_list_event_fields() at ust-app.c:3084)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Reallocating event field list from 256 to 512 entries (in ust_app_list_event_fields() at ust-app.c:3084)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app list event fields done (289 events) (in ust_app_list_event_fields() at ust-app.c:3112)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 330632, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:32 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3435)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 262025, last 261350, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 3157, last 3157, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 4225, last 4225, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 34061, last 34001, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [28559/28564]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2103)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 8 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Waiting for 1 URIs from client ... (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2862)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Tracing session _Trace_EA created with ID 865 by UID 0 GID 0 (in session_create() at session.c:216)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6dd070 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Setting trace directory path from URI to /tmp/ (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:427)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 9 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session _Trace_EA by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No kernel session when tearing down session (in kernel_destroy_session() at kernel.c:741)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroying session _Trace_EA (in session_destroy() at session.c:157)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Updating kernel poll set (in update_kernel_poll() at main.c:568)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Thread kernel polling on 2 fds (in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:747)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:33 EDT 2013
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:34 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:35 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:36 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:37 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3435)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 262061, last 261350, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 3157, last 3157, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 4225, last 4225, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 34121, last 34001, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [28559/28564]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2103)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 8 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Waiting for 1 URIs from client ... (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2862)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Tracing session _Trace_EA created with ID 866 by UID 0 GID 0 (in session_create() at session.c:216)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x706310 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Setting trace directory path from URI to /tmp/ (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:427)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 9 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session _Trace_EA by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No kernel session when tearing down session (in kernel_destroy_session() at kernel.c:741)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroying session _Trace_EA (in session_destroy() at session.c:157)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Updating kernel poll set (in update_kernel_poll() at main.c:568)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Thread kernel polling on 2 fds (in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:747)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:38 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:39 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:40 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:41 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:42 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3435)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 262097, last 261350, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 3157, last 3157, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 4225, last 4225, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 34181, last 34001, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [28559/28564]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2103)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 8 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Waiting for 1 URIs from client ... (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2862)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Tracing session _Trace_EA created with ID 867 by UID 0 GID 0 (in session_create() at session.c:216)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6dd070 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Setting trace directory path from URI to /tmp/ (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:427)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 9 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session _Trace_EA by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No kernel session when tearing down session (in kernel_destroy_session() at kernel.c:741)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroying session _Trace_EA (in session_destroy() at session.c:157)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Updating kernel poll set (in update_kernel_poll() at main.c:568)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Thread kernel polling on 2 fds (in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:747)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:43 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:45 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:46 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:47 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3435)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 262133, last 262097, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 3157, last 3157, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 4225, last 4225, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 34241, last 34001, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [28559/28564]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2103)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 8 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Waiting for 1 URIs from client ... (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2862)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Tracing session _Trace_EA created with ID 868 by UID 0 GID 0 (in session_create() at session.c:216)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x706310 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Setting trace directory path from URI to /tmp/ (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:427)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 9 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session _Trace_EA by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No kernel session when tearing down session (in kernel_destroy_session() at kernel.c:741)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroying session _Trace_EA (in session_destroy() at session.c:157)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Updating kernel poll set (in update_kernel_poll() at main.c:568)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Thread kernel polling on 2 fds (in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:747)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:48 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:49 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:50 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:51 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 18 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Reallocating event field list from 32 to 64 entries (in ust_app_list_event_fields() at ust-app.c:3084)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Reallocating event field list from 64 to 128 entries (in ust_app_list_event_fields() at ust-app.c:3084)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Reallocating event field list from 128 to 256 entries (in ust_app_list_event_fields() at ust-app.c:3084)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Reallocating event field list from 256 to 512 entries (in ust_app_list_event_fields() at ust-app.c:3084)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app list event fields done (289 events) (in ust_app_list_event_fields() at ust-app.c:3112)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 330632, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:52 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Nothing recv() from client... continuing (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3435)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 262771, last 262097, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 3157, last 3157, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 4225, last 4225, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 34301, last 34001, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [28559/28564]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2103)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 8 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Waiting for 1 URIs from client ... (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2862)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Tracing session _Trace_EA created with ID 869 by UID 0 GID 0 (in session_create() at session.c:216)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6dd070 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Setting trace directory path from URI to /tmp/ (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:427)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 9 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session _Trace_EA by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _Trace_EA (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No kernel session when tearing down session (in kernel_destroy_session() at kernel.c:741)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroying session _Trace_EA (in session_destroy() at session.c:157)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Updating kernel poll set (in update_kernel_poll() at main.c:568)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Thread kernel polling on 2 fds (in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:747)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:53 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 8 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Waiting for 1 URIs from client ... (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2862)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _TraceCValidator_qtGyjE (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Tracing session _TraceCValidator_qtGyjE created with ID 870 by UID 0 GID 0 (in session_create() at session.c:216)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _TraceCValidator_qtGyjE (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x706310 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Setting trace directory path from URI to /tmp/_TraceCValidator_qtGyjE (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:427)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 5 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session _TraceCValidator_qtGyjE by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _TraceCValidator_qtGyjE (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Creating UST session (in create_ust_session() at main.c:2257)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6dd070 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6ca6e0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST trace session create successful (in trace_ust_create_session() at trace-ust.c:226)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Copying tracing session consumer output in UST session (in copy_session_consumer() at main.c:2207)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x67ae90 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Copy session consumer subdir /ust (in copy_session_consumer() at main.c:2225)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session _TraceCValidator_qtGyjE (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Enabling channel channel0 for session _TraceCValidator_qtGyjE (in cmd_enable_channel() at cmd.c:857)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 not found by name (in trace_ust_find_channel_by_name() at trace-ust.c:140)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6e1390 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x67ee10 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST channel channel0 created (in trace_ust_create_channel() at trace-ust.c:283)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Channel channel0 is being created for UST with buffer 1 and id 0 (in channel_ust_create() at channel.c:331)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app adding channel channel0 to UST domain for session id 870 (in ust_app_create_channel_glb() at ust-app.c:3426)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app pid: 26509 session id 870 not found, creating it (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1670)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x67b4c0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Shadow copy of session handle -1 (in shadow_copy_session() at ust-app.c:1430)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 870, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6ac6d0 of type 2 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID created id: 870, ABI: 64, uid: 0, domain: 2 (in buffer_reg_uid_create() at buffer-registry.c:143)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID adding to global registry with id: 870 (in buffer_reg_uid_add() at buffer-registry.c:165)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x66c0f0 of type 2 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "typealias integer { size = 8; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint8_t;
typealias integer { size = 16; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint16_t;
typealias integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint32_t;
typealias integer { size = 64; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint64_t;
typealias integer { size = 64; align = 8; signed = false; } := unsigned long;
typealias integer { size = 5; align = 1; signed = false; } := uint5_t;
typealias integer { size = 27; align = 1; signed = false; } := uint27_t;
trace {
major = 1;
minor = 8;
uuid = "232d4f4f-a8ed-4a73-88bd-4512e88691a0";
byte_order = le;
packet.header := struct {
uint32_t magic;
uint8_t uuid[16];
uint32_t stream_id;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "env {
hostname = "SC-1";
domain = "ust";
tracer_name = "lttng-ust";
tracer_major = 2;
tracer_minor = 2;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "};
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "clock {
name = monotonic;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: " uuid = "a334e7d3-a05b-40c4-b5c2-6a27babb61f8";
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: " description = "Monotonic Clock";
freq = 1000000000; /* Frequency, in Hz */
/* clock value offset from Epoch is: offset * (1/freq) */
offset = 1370519091787098134;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "typealias integer {
size = 27; align = 1; signed = false;
map = clock.monotonic.value;
} := uint27_clock_monotonic_t;
typealias integer {
size = 32; align = 8; signed = false;
map = clock.monotonic.value;
} := uint32_clock_monotonic_t;
typealias integer {
size = 64; align = 8; signed = false;
map = clock.monotonic.value;
} := uint64_clock_monotonic_t;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "struct packet_context {
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp_begin;
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp_end;
uint64_t content_size;
uint64_t packet_size;
unsigned long events_discarded;
uint32_t cpu_id;
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append to metadata: "struct event_header_compact {
enum : uint5_t { compact = 0 ... 30, extended = 31 } id;
variant <id> {
struct {
uint27_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} compact;
struct {
uint32_t id;
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} extended;
} v;
} align(8);
struct event_header_large {
enum : uint16_t { compact = 0 ... 65534, extended = 65535 } id;
variant <id> {
struct {
uint32_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} compact;
struct {
uint32_t id;
uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
} extended;
} v;
} align(8);
" (in lttng_metadata_printf() at ust-metadata.c:144)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app buffer registry per UID created successfully (in setup_buffer_reg_uid() at ust-app.c:1632)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app session created successfully with handle 15 (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1731)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6af9e0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6a1c50 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app channel channel0 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:825)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 started (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1358)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 done (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1407)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating channel channel0 with per UID buffers (in create_channel_per_uid() at ust-app.c:2254)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 870, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app creating buffer registry channel for channel0 (in create_buffer_reg_channel() at ust-app.c:2108)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry channel create with key: 0 (in buffer_reg_channel_create() at buffer-registry.c:324)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6c0120 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Asking UST consumer for channel (in ask_channel_creation() at ust-consumer.c:118)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: mkdir() recursive /tmp/_TraceCValidator_qtGyjE/ust/uid/0/64-bit with mode 504 for uid 0 and gid 0 (in run_as_mkdir_recursive() at runas.c:306)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Using run_as_clone (in run_as() at runas.c:289)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST registry channel finding key 0 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST ask channel 1643 successfully done with 4 stream(s) (in ask_channel_creation() at ust-consumer.c:180)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app stream 1 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:291)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app stream 2 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:291)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app stream 3 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:291)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app stream 4 received succesfully (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:291)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app consumer has no more stream available (in ust_consumer_get_channel() at ust-consumer.c:274)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app setup buffer registry channel for channel0 (in setup_buffer_reg_channel() at ust-app.c:2155)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app setup buffer registry stream (in setup_buffer_reg_streams() at ust-app.c:2063)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry creating stream (in buffer_reg_stream_create() at buffer-registry.c:354)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app sending buffer registry channel to ust sock 28 (in send_channel_uid_to_ust() at ust-app.c:2191)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app send channel to sock 28 pid 26509 (name: channel0, key: 0) (in ust_consumer_send_channel_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:395)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 28 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 28 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 28 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 28 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create channel channel0 for PID 26509 completed (in create_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:2460)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app pid: 26512 session id 870 not found, creating it (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1670)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6e3c30 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Shadow copy of session handle -1 (in shadow_copy_session() at ust-app.c:1430)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 870, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app session created successfully with handle 15 (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1731)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6c42c0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x688980 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app channel channel0 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:825)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 started (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1358)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 done (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1407)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating channel channel0 with per UID buffers (in create_channel_per_uid() at ust-app.c:2254)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 870, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app sending buffer registry channel to ust sock 26 (in send_channel_uid_to_ust() at ust-app.c:2191)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app send channel to sock 26 pid 26512 (name: channel0, key: 0) (in ust_consumer_send_channel_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:395)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 26 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 26 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 26 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 26 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create channel channel0 for PID 26512 completed (in create_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:2460)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app pid: 26455 session id 870 not found, creating it (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1670)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x693020 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Shadow copy of session handle -1 (in shadow_copy_session() at ust-app.c:1430)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 870, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app session created successfully with handle 15 (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1731)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x66f060 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x68f9f0 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app channel channel0 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:825)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 started (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1358)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 done (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1407)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating channel channel0 with per UID buffers (in create_channel_per_uid() at ust-app.c:2254)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 870, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app sending buffer registry channel to ust sock 30 (in send_channel_uid_to_ust() at ust-app.c:2191)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app send channel to sock 30 pid 26455 (name: channel0, key: 0) (in ust_consumer_send_channel_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:395)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 30 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 30 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 30 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 30 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create channel channel0 for PID 26455 completed (in create_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:2460)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app pid: 26568 session id 870 not found, creating it (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1670)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x70f110 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Shadow copy of session handle -1 (in shadow_copy_session() at ust-app.c:1430)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 870, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app session created successfully with handle 15 (in create_ust_app_session() at ust-app.c:1731)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x70e300 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x69dc00 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app channel channel0 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:825)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 started (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1358)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app shadow copy of channel channel0 done (in shadow_copy_channel() at ust-app.c:1407)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app creating channel channel0 with per UID buffers (in create_channel_per_uid() at ust-app.c:2254)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 870, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: UST app sending buffer registry channel to ust sock 32 (in send_channel_uid_to_ust() at ust-app.c:2191)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app send channel to sock 32 pid 26568 (name: channel0, key: 0) (in ust_consumer_send_channel_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:395)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 32 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 32 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 32 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST consumer send stream to app 32 (in ust_consumer_send_stream_to_ust() at ust-consumer.c:360)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST app create channel channel0 for PID 26568 completed (in create_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:2460)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Channel channel0 created successfully (in channel_ust_create() at channel.c:355)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 9 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session _TraceCValidator_qtGyjE by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name _TraceCValidator_qtGyjE (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: No kernel session when tearing down session (in kernel_destroy_session() at kernel.c:741)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroy all UST traces (in ust_app_destroy_trace_all() at ust-app.c:4006)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroy tracing for ust app pid 26509 (in destroy_trace() at ust-app.c:3867)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 870, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app deleting channel channel0 (in delete_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:342)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 870, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST registry channel finding key 1643 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroy tracing for ust app pid 26512 (in destroy_trace() at ust-app.c:3867)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 870, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app deleting channel channel0 (in delete_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:342)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 870, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST registry channel finding key 1644 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroy tracing for ust app pid 26455 (in destroy_trace() at ust-app.c:3867)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 870, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app deleting channel channel0 (in delete_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:342)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 870, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST registry channel finding key 1645 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroy tracing for ust app pid 26568 (in destroy_trace() at ust-app.c:3867)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 870, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST app deleting channel channel0 (in delete_ust_app_channel() at ust-app.c:342)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 870, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: UST registry channel finding key 1646 (in ust_registry_channel_find() at ust-registry.c:420)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trace UST destroy session 870 (in trace_ust_destroy_session() at trace-ust.c:631)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Buffer registry per UID destroy with id: 870, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:620)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Destroying session _TraceCValidator_qtGyjE (in session_destroy() at session.c:157)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Updating kernel poll set (in update_kernel_poll() at main.c:568)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Thread kernel polling on 2 fds (in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:747)
DEBUG2 [28559/2173]: Trace destroy UST channel channel0 (in _trace_ust_destroy_channel() at trace-ust.c:545)
DEBUG3 [28559/2173]: Buffer registry session destroy (in buffer_reg_session_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:539)
DEBUG3 [28559/2173]: Buffer registry channel destroy with key 0 (in buffer_reg_channel_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:495)
DEBUG3 [28559/2173]: Buffer registry stream destroy with handle -1 (in buffer_reg_stream_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2173]: Buffer registry stream destroy with handle -1 (in buffer_reg_stream_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2173]: Buffer registry stream destroy with handle -1 (in buffer_reg_stream_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2173]: Buffer registry stream destroy with handle -1 (in buffer_reg_stream_destroy() at buffer-registry.c:443)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:54 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 8 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Waiting for 2 URIs from client ... (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2862)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_a_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Tracing session STAB003_a_1 created with ID 871 by UID 0 GID 0 (in session_create() at session.c:216)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_a_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6dd070 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Setting network URI to consumer (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:381)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer control URI set with port 53073 (in consumer_set_network_uri() at consumer.c:518)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer set network uri subdir path SC-1/./ (in consumer_set_network_uri() at consumer.c:578)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Append domain trace name to subdir SC-1/./ (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:422)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Setting network URI to consumer (in add_uri_to_consumer() at cmd.c:381)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer data URI set with port 52604 (in consumer_set_network_uri() at consumer.c:533)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3480)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Clean command context structure (in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:487)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Accepting client command ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3344)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Wait for client response (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3386)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Receiving data from client ... (in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3431)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Processing client command 5 (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2372)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Getting session STAB003_a_1 by name (in process_client_msg() at main.c:2443)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Trying to find session by name STAB003_a_1 (in session_find_by_name() at session.c:132)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Creating UST session (in create_ust_session() at main.c:2257)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x706310 of type 0 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x67ae90 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: UST trace session create successful (in trace_ust_create_session() at trace-ust.c:226)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Copying tracing session consumer output in UST session (in copy_session_consumer() at main.c:2207)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Created hashtable size 4 at 0x6ca6e0 of type 1 (in lttng_ht_new() at hashtable.c:112)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Copy session consumer subdir SC-1/.//ust (in copy_session_consumer() at main.c:2225)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Consumer socket created (fd: 37) and added to output (in consumer_create_socket() at consumer.c:229)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Setting relayd for session STAB003_a_1 (in cmd_setup_relayd() at cmd.c:671)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Relayd connect ... (in relayd_connect() at relayd.c:355)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Creating relayd stream socket from URI (in create_connect_relayd() at cmd.c:516)
DEBUG1 [28559/28565]: Relayd version check for major.minor 2.2 (in relayd_version_check() at relayd.c:254)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Relayd sending command 5 of size 32 (in send_command() at relayd.c:78)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Relayd waiting for reply of size 8 (in recv_reply() at relayd.c:98)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Relayd version is compatible, using protocol version 2.2 (in relayd_version_check() at relayd.c:301)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Sending relayd sock info to consumer on 37 (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:854)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Sending relayd socket file descriptor to consumer (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:867)
DEBUG2 [28559/28565]: Consumer relayd socket sent (in consumer_send_relayd_socket() at consumer.c:873)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Relayd closing socket 40 (in relayd_close() at relayd.c:386)
DEBUG3 [28559/28565]: Relayd connect ... (in relayd_connect() at relayd.c:355)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:55 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:56 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:57 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 262939, last 262097, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 0 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 3157, last 3157, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 1 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 4225, last 4225, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 2 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Receiving data from client for health... (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3198)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health state current 34361, last 34301, ret 0 (in validate_state() at health.c:171)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check for type 4 is GOOD (in health_check_state() at health.c:214)
DEBUG3 [28559/28564]: Health consumer check 1 (in check_consumer_health() at main.c:2103)
DEBUG2 [28559/28564]: Health check return value 0 (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3251)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check ready (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3149)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:17:58 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:00 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:01 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:02 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:03 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:04 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:05 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:06 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:07 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:08 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:09 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:10 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:11 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:12 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:13 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:14 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:15 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:17 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:18 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:19 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:20 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:21 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:22 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:23 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:24 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:25 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:26 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:27 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:28 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:29 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:30 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:31 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:32 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:33 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:34 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:35 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:36 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:37 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:38 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:39 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:40 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:41 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:42 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:43 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:44 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:45 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:46 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:47 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:48 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:49 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:50 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:51 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: Metadata request received for session 859, key 1642 (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:443)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: Buffer registry per UID find id: 859, ABI: 64, uid: 0 (in buffer_reg_uid_find() at buffer-registry.c:194)
DEBUG3 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push for metadata key 1642 (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:424)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: No metadata to push (in ust_app_push_metadata() at ust-app.c:427)
DEBUG2 [28559/2153]: Consumer push metadata to consumer socket 38 (in consumer_push_metadata() at consumer.c:1115)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: UST Consumer metadata pushed successfully (in ust_consumer_metadata_request() at ust-consumer.c:477)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:52 EDT 2013
DEBUG1 [28559/28559]: SIGTERM caught (in sighandler() at main.c:3941)
DEBUG1 [28559/28559]: Terminating all threads (in stop_threads() at main.c:381)
DEBUG1 [28559/28559]: Futex n to 1 wake done (in futex_nto1_wake() at futex.c:104)
DEBUG1 [28559/28564]: Health check thread dying (in thread_manage_health() at main.c:3271)
DEBUG1 [28559/28570]: Kernel thread dying (in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:830)
DEBUG1 [28559/28569]: Application notify communication apps thread cleanup complete (in ust_thread_manage_notify() at ust-thread.c:160)
DEBUG1 [28559/28566]: Futex n to 1 wait done (in futex_nto1_wait() at futex.c:90)
DEBUG1 [28559/28566]: Dispatch thread dying (in thread_dispatch_ust_registration() at main.c:1524)
DEBUG1 [28559/2153]: consumer thread cleanup completed (in thread_manage_consumer() at main.c:1138)
DEBUG1 [28559/28568]: Application communication apps thread cleanup complete (in thread_manage_apps() at main.c:1298)
DEBUG1 [28559/28567]: Notifying applications of session daemon state: 0 (in notify_ust_apps() at main.c:507)
DEBUG1 [28559/28567]: Got the wait shm fd 9 (in get_wait_shm() at shm.c:119)
DEBUG1 [28559/28567]: Futex wait update active 0 (in futex_wait_update() at futex.c:63)
DEBUG1 [28559/28567]: UST Registration thread cleanup complete (in thread_registration_apps() at main.c:1723)
Fri Jun 7 12:18:53 EDT 2013
Fri Jun 7 12:18:54 EDT 2013
Fri Jun 7 12:18:55 EDT 2013
Fri Jun 7 12:18:56 EDT 2013
Fri Jun 7 12:18:58 EDT 2013
Fri Jun 7 12:18:59 EDT 2013
Fri Jun 7 12:19:01 EDT 2013