Bug #1021 missing Fedora devel packages
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- **`libpopt` >= 1.13**: command line arguments parsing library. - Debian/Ubuntu package: `libpopt-dev` - **`libuuid`**: universally unique ID library - Debian/Ubuntu package: `uuid-dev` - **`libxml2` >= 2.7.6**: XML document parsing library. Needed for tracing session configuration saving/loading and machine interface output support. - Debian/Ubuntu package: `libxml2-dev`
should be:
- **`libpopt` >= 1.13**: command line arguments parsing library. - Debian/Ubuntu package: `libpopt-dev` - Fedora package: `popt-devel` - **`libuuid`**: universally unique ID library - Debian/Ubuntu package: `uuid-dev` - Fedora package: `uuid-devel` - **`libxml2` >= 2.7.6**: XML document parsing library. Needed for tracing session configuration saving/loading and machine interface output support. - Debian/Ubuntu package: `libxml2-dev` - Fedora package: `libxml2-devel`
Updated by Daniel U. Thibault almost 9 years ago
- **Python >= 3.0**: needed for `make check` and tests. - Debian/Ubuntu package: `python3` - **SWIG >= 2.0** and **Python 3 development headers**: needed for Python bindings (enabled at configure time with the `--enable-python-bindings` option). - Debian/Ubuntu packages: `swig2.0` and `python3-dev`
should be:
- **Python >= 3.0**: needed for `make check` and tests. - Debian/Ubuntu package: `python3` - Fedora package: `python33` or `python34` - **SWIG >= 2.0** and **Python 3 development headers**: needed for Python bindings (enabled at configure time with the `--enable-python-bindings` option). - Debian/Ubuntu packages: `swig2.0` and `python3-dev` - Fedora packages: `swig` and `python33-python-devel` or `python34-python-devel`