Bug #1225
opensrc.ctf.lttng-live: `sessions` query error reporting
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The right format to query the list of sessions is:
babeltrace2 query -p 'url="net://"' src.ctf.lttng-live sessions
When adding a `/` at the end of the URL (by mistake maybe) you get the following error:
10-23 10:11:25.193 2096 2096 E PLUGIN/SRC.CTF.LTTNG-LIVE/VIEWER parse_url@viewer-connection.c:127 [lttng-live] Invalid LTTng live URL format: Expecting `/host/` after hostname or port 10-23 10:11:25.193 2096 2096 E PLUGIN/SRC.CTF.LTTNG-LIVE/VIEWER lttng_live_connect_viewer@viewer-connection.c:253 [lttng-live] Failed to parse URL 10-23 10:11:25.193 2096 2096 E PLUGIN/SRC.CTF.LTTNG-LIVE/VIEWER live_viewer_connection_create@viewer-connection.c:1629 [lttng-live] Failure to establish connection: url="net://" 10-23 10:11:25.193 2096 2096 E PLUGIN/SRC.CTF.LTTNG-LIVE lttng_live_query_list_sessions@lttng-live.c:1589 [lttng-live] Failed to create viewer connection 10-23 10:11:25.193 2096 2096 W LIB/QUERY-EXECUTOR bt_query_executor_query@query-executor.c:246 Component class's "query" method failed: query-exec-addr=0x5625255fd7a0, cc-addr=0x5625255f80a0, cc-type=SOURCE, cc-name="lttng-live", cc-partial-descr="Connect to an LTTng relay daemon", cc-is-frozen=0, cc-so-handle-addr=0x5625255f7270, cc-so-handle-path="/usr/local/lib/babeltrace2/plugins/", object="sessions", params-addr=0x5625255e4540, params-type=MAP, params-element-count=1, log-level=WARNING 10-23 10:11:25.193 2096 2096 E CLI cmd_query@babeltrace2.c:727 Failed to query component class: unknown error: plugin-name="ctf", comp-cls-name="lttng-live", comp-cls-type=1 object="sessions" ERROR: [Babeltrace CLI] (babeltrace2.c:727) Failed to query component class: unknown error: plugin-name="ctf", comp-cls-name="lttng-live", comp-cls-type=1 object="sessions" CAUSED BY [Babeltrace library] (query-executor.c:246) Component class's "query" method failed: query-exec-addr=0x5625255fd7a0, cc-addr=0x5625255f80a0, cc-type=SOURCE, cc-name="lttng-live", cc-partial-descr="Connect to an LTTng relay daemon", cc-is-frozen=0, cc-so-handle-addr=0x5625255f7270, cc-so-handle-path="/usr/local/lib/babeltrace2/plugins/", object="sessions", params-addr=0x5625255e4540, params-type=MAP, params-element-count=1, log-level=WARNING CAUSED BY ['source.ctf.lttng-live'] (lttng-live.c:1589) Failed to create viewer connection CAUSED BY ['source.ctf.lttng-live'] (viewer-connection.c:1629) Failure to establish connection: url="net://" CAUSED BY ['source.ctf.lttng-live'] (viewer-connection.c:253) Failed to parse URL CAUSED BY ['source.ctf.lttng-live'] (viewer-connection.c:127) Invalid LTTng live URL format: Expecting `/host/` after hostname or port
Suggesting to add the `/host/` part of the URL as if we were trying to connect to a session.
When in fact, since I am in a query, I would want it to be suggesting me to remove the extra `/` if anything.
Updated by Jonathan Rajotte Julien over 4 years ago
- Author changed from 215 to 35
Updated by Jonathan Rajotte Julien over 4 years ago
Migrated from internal bug tracker.