Bug #1243
openlttng 2.11 / 2.12 fails to destroy sessions.
Attached output of sessiond -vvv, lttng-tools -vvv script to test. Taken in Ubuntu 16.04.04
Updated by Mathieu Desnoyers about 5 years ago
The first error I see in the sessiond logs is:
DEBUG3 - 21:31:07.825293221 [8383/8531]: UST app context 5 allocated (in alloc_ust_app_ctx() at ust-app.c:1161)
Error: UST app create channel context failedh for app (pid: 8601) with ret -1024
Does the issue still happen without the perf contexts ?
Updated by Mathieu Desnoyers about 5 years ago
Also, having a log of "lttng-sessiond -vvv --verbose-consumer" would be useful.
Updated by Matthew Khouzam about 5 years ago
- File sessiond-cons.log sessiond-cons.log added
Updated by Matthew Khouzam about 5 years ago
Without the performance counters, it "works". Traces can be read in trace compass and babeltrace2.
Babeltrace1 has the following output:
$> babeltrace -vvv .
03-06 23:31:21.331 13379 13379 I CLI print_cfg@babeltrace.c:682 Configuration:
Debug mode: no
Verbose mode: no
Plugin paths:
- /home/ematkho/.local/lib/babeltrace/plugins
- /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/babeltrace/plugins
- /home/ematkho/.local/lib/babeltrace/plugins
- /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/babeltrace/plugins
Source component instances:
Name: source-ctf-fs
path: .
Filter component instances:
Name: muxer
{ }
Sink component instances:
Name: pretty
verbose: yes
source-ctf-fs.* -> muxer.*
muxer.* -> pretty.*
03-06 23:31:21.332 13379 13379 I CLI load_dynamic_plugins@babeltrace.c:758 Loading dynamic plugins.
03-06 23:31:21.332 13379 13379 I CLI load_static_plugins@babeltrace.c:808 Loading static plugins.
03-06 23:31:21.332 13379 13379 I CLI load_all_plugins@babeltrace.c:837 Loaded all plugins: count=0
03-06 23:31:21.332 13379 13379 I CLI main@babeltrace.c:2888 Executing command: cmd=0, command-name="convert"
03-06 23:31:21.332 13379 13379 I CLI cmd_run@babeltrace.c:2595 Creating components.
03-06 23:31:21.332 13379 13379 E CLI cmd_run_ctx_create_components_from_config_components@babeltrace.c:2390 Cannot find component class: plugin-name="ctf", comp-cls-name="fs", comp-cls-type=0
Cannot find component class 'source.ctf.fs'
03-06 23:31:21.332 13379 13379 E CLI cmd_run@babeltrace.c:2599 Cannot create components.
Cannot create components
03-06 23:31:21.332 13379 13379 I CLI main@babeltrace.c:2915 Command completed: cmd=0, command-name="convert", ret=-1
Updated by Matthew Khouzam about 5 years ago
Please note everything is installed from the PPA. (lttng/stable) or right now, (lttng/daily)