Bug #1369
openNano clock value overflows the signed 64-bit integer range on the babeltrace2 client side when per-process per-user trace file were transfer using lttng live protocol
I launched a program producing traces to the lttng consumerd and lttng relayd, also launching a babeltrace command as lttng live consumer to show the tracing real-timely.
It works well when the channel is set to per user mode. But when it is changed to per process per user without no other changes, the babeltrace2 client crashing showing a overflow error:
The last error message of babeltrace2 exception stack shows :
"Cannot convert cycle to nanoseconds from origin for given clock class: value overflows the signed 64-bit integer range: cc-addr=****, cc-name="monotonic", cc-freq=1000000000, ....."
What's the difference resulting this crash ? How to solve it since the perprocess per user mode is perfered for me.
version info:
babeltrace2: 2.0.4
lttng comands: 2.12.12