Bug #311
closedCompatibility issue between liblttng-ust stable-2.0 and master
11:42 < Compudj> that's a weird scenario
11:43 < Compudj> you had you app linked with liblttng-ust 2.0.4, generating
packet headers with the uin32_t field
11:43 < Compudj> but the lttng-consumerd you have is probably linked with
liblttng-ust master
11:44 < Compudj> which has generated unsigned long (64-bit) fields when
flushing the last packets of each buffer
11:47 < Compudj> so it falls into compatibility issues between liblttng-ust
stable-2.0 and master, in the case the consumer is linked to a
newer version
11:52 < Compudj> we don't want to break compatibility between UST and
lttng-tools in the 2.x series, not without a deprecation phase
11:52 < Compudj> so I have to find a fix
11:53 < Compudj> I'm wondering, in terms of library versioning, if I should
bump the master branch UST lib version
11:54 < Compudj> then I could pass, for each stream, which UST version they
belong to (to the consumer)
11:54 < Compudj> and let the consumer use compatibility mode for older streams