



Bug #351


Multiple filters on integer type does not produce any trace log

Added by Tan le tran over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Christian Babeux
Target version:
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% Done:


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We have an issue in using the filter during our testing when using our own instrumented test applications.
The problem arises when we try to use more than one filter on a tracepoint.
ex: --filter '(TenPs > 2) && (TenPs < 5)'
The above trace does not produce any logs. (Failed_..log log file and corresponding session dir in attchement)

When using the above filter individually, ex: --filter '(TenPs > 2)' only,
or --filter '(TenPs < 5)' only, then the trace produce the correct log. (OK_*.log logfiles in attachement )

So far, we observe this behaviour only on the interger type field (in this case TenPs).
We have tried with the "demo" app (comming with lttng-ust tree) but could not reproduce
the problem.

From the logs we could not identify what might have caused this issue.

Could you take a look at the enclosed logs and let us know if you can spot anything ?

The following commits have been used to produce lttng build and our instr app have used those result to compile:

userspace : (Thu Sep 6 ) a5a9f42 (HEAD, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Ensure that read-side functions meet 10-line LGPL criterion
lttng-ust : (Tue Sep 18) 5d3bc5e (HEAD, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Fix: get_wait_shm() ust mutex deadlock (add 2 missing exit calls)
lttng-tools : (Tue Sep 18) 4adabd6 (HEAD, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Fix: Remove LPOLLNVAL from consumer metadata revents
babeltrace : (Thu Sep 13) f546472 (HEAD, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Fix: Documentation cleanup

The following are description of the files attached:
InstrumentedApps.tar.gz : Source code of the instrumented app that we used to see the problem
Filter_with_2conditions_is_failing.rar: Contains all log files (where the execution steps are on the top of each log file).
The result session directory where the failure happen is also included.


Filter_with_2conditions_is_failing.rar (25.9 KB) Filter_with_2conditions_is_failing.rar Log files Tan le tran, 09/21/2012 12:14 PM
InstrumentedApps.tar.gz (752 KB) InstrumentedApps.tar.gz instrumented App source code Tan le tran, 09/21/2012 12:14 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Christian Babeux over 12 years ago

  • Assignee set to Christian Babeux
Actions #2

Updated by David Goulet over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Target version set to 2.1 stable

Resolved by commit id: 1029587a98e8e03b16b8c85368c9028ca4ec7128


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