Bug #457
closedWrong information in trace path
I'm using lttng-tools 2.1.1.
The information in the trace path is incorrect when executing "lttng list" or "lttng list <session name>" after executing the following command sequence:
lttng create my
Session my created.
Traces will be written in /home/bernd/lttng-traces/my-20130220-103009
lttng list my
Tracing session my: [inactive]
Trace path: /home/bernd/lttng-traces/my-20130220-103009
lttng enable-event -a -k -s my --tracepoint
All kernel tracepoints are enabled in channel channel0
lttng enable-event -a -u -s my --tracepoint
All UST tracepoints are enabled in channel channel0
lttng enable-consumer -s my -u -U net:// -e
URL net:// set for UST session my.
Consumer enabled successfully
lttng list
1) my ([K]: net://[]:27951/y-27951/y-20130220-103009 [data: 0] -- [U]: net:// [data: 5343]) [inactive]
The last command out put should show the correct path (/home/bernd/lttng-traces/my-20130220-103009) for the kernel since it uses the local consumer. This display error makes it hard to parse the trace path within the Eclipse LTTng Control (for LTTng 2.1 support).
Best Regards
Updated by David Goulet almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
- Target version set to 2.1 stable
Updated by David Goulet about 11 years ago
- Status changed from Confirmed to Resolved
Late to the party! :(
But since 2.2, enable-consumer is now obsolete meaning you can only have a network destination for a session and not domain specific like previously.
Here are two use cases that basically show that this bug is fixed:
$ lttng create test -C tcp:// -D tcp:// Control URL tcp:// set for session test Data URL tcp:// set for session test Session test created. $ lttng list test Tracing session test: [inactive] Trace path: net4:// [data: 5343]
and two custom ports:
lttng create test2 -C tcp:// -D tcp:// Control URL tcp:// set for session test2 Data URL tcp:// set for session test2 Session test2 created. lttng list test2 Tracing session test2: [inactive] Trace path: net4:// [data: 111]