Bug #49
closedlttng destroy: sendmsg: Bad file descriptor
root@thinkos:/home/compudj/work/lttng-modules# lttng create
Session auto-20120215-221107 created.
Traces will be written in /root/lttng-traces/auto-20120215-221107
root@thinkos:/home/compudj/work/lttng-modules# lttng enable-event -k -a
All kernel events are enabled in channel channel0
root@thinkos:/home/compudj/work/lttng-modules# lttng start
Tracing started for session auto-20120215-221107
root@thinkos:/home/compudj/work/lttng-modules# lttng stop
Tracing stopped for session auto-20120215-221107
root@thinkos:/home/compudj/work/lttng-modules# lttng destroy
Session auto-20120215-221107 destroyed at /root
but the lttng-sessiond -vvv gives:
DEBUG1: Destroying session auto-20120215-221107 [in session_destroy() at session.c:155]
DEBUG1: Updating kernel poll set [in update_kernel_poll() at main.c:671]
DEBUG1: Thread kernel polling on 2 fds [in thread_manage_kernel() at main.c:828]
DEBUG1: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Success) [in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3672]
sendmsg: Bad file descriptor
Error: Failed to send data back to client
DEBUG1: Clean command context structure [in clean_command_ctx() at main.c:457]
DEBUG1: Accepting client command ... [in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3573]
upon destroy