Bug #580
closedlttng-tools 2.2 does not detect minimal ust version correctly
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If you run configure of lttng-tools 2.2 and you have a lttng-ust 2.1 installed, the configure currently do not fail.
It should detect that the wrong version is installed.
Updated by David Goulet over 11 years ago
You have a quick patch for that ? :D or a way to do that ?
Updated by Yannick Brosseau over 11 years ago
Just need to change the line:
AC_CHECK_LIB([lttng-ust-ctl], [ustctl_set_filter],
With a function added in LTTng-ust.
(I will not have time to check that today)
Updated by David Goulet over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset b33f11e218fac6ce8de61d551171b2f5f0571406.