Bug #603
closedlttng-bash_completion out of sync, includes an error
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As of lttng-tools-2.3.0-rc2-6-81ea21b, lttng-bash_completion has gotten out of sync with the lttng command-line interface: it handles two obsolete commands and omits a new one. There is also an error in one of the blocks.
Line 23:
_lttng_cmd_add_context() { local add_context_opts add_context_opts=$(lttng add-context --list-options) case $prev in --session|-s) _lttng_complete_sessions return ;; --channel|-c) return ;; --event|-e) return ;; --type|-t) return ;; esac case $cur in -*) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${add_context_opts}" -- $cur) ) return ;; esac }
The add-context command does not accept an --event
line 131:
_lttng_cmd_enableconsumer() { local enable_consumer_opts enable_consumer_opts=$(lttng enable-consumer --list-options) case $prev in --session|-s) _lttng_complete_sessions return ;; esac case $cur in -*) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${enable_consumer_opts}" -- $cur) ) return ;; esac }
The enable-consumer
command has been withdrawn.
line 150:
_lttng_cmd_disableconsumer() { local disable_consumer_opts disable_consumer_opts=$(lttng disable-consumer --list-options) case $prev in --session|-s) _lttng_complete_sessions return ;; esac case $cur in -*) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${disable_consumer_opts}" -- $cur) ) return ;; esac }
The disable-consumer
command has been withdrawn.
line 169:
_lttng_cmd_disable_event() { local disable_event_opts disable_channel_opts=$(lttng disable-event --list-options) case $prev in --session|-s) _lttng_complete_sessions return ;; --channel|-c) return ;; esac case $cur in -*) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${disable_event_opts}" -- $cur) ) return ;; esac }
Note the copy-paste error on line 171.
At line 240, a block needs to be added to cover the new snapshot