



Bug #606


lttng snapshot record can erroneously claim a successful snapshot

Added by Daniel U. Thibault over 11 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

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If a session is created with just the no-output option, the snapshot commands are possible, but they fail while giving the appearance of success:

$ sudo -H lttng create nooutmm --no-output
Session nooutmm created.
$ sudo -H lttng enable-channel channel0 --discard --output mmap -k
Kernel channel channel0 enmabled for session nooutmm
$ sudo -H lttng enable-event -k -a -c channel0
All kernel events are enabled in channel channel0
$ sudo -H lttng start
Tracing started for session nooutmm
$ sudo -H lttng snapshot record
Snapshot recorded successfully for session nooutmm
$ sudo -H lttng stop
Waiting for data availability
Tracing stopped for session nooutmm
$ sudo -H lttng destroy -a
Session nooutmm destroyed

Despite lttng reporting 'Snapshot recorded successfully for session nooutmm', no such capture occurs.

The lttng snapshot record command also fails if the kernel events are using the splice output mode (it is the default, after all), and again claims everything went okay. The log is essentially identical to that given above.

Actions #1

Updated by Daniel U. Thibault over 11 years ago

This (lack of actual output) only occurs if the lttng snapshot record command does not have an URL argument (or -C and -D options).

Actions #2

Updated by Daniel U. Thibault over 11 years ago

If you lttng snapshot record URL a session with splice kernel channels, the URL/snapshot-x-yyymmdd-hhmmss-y/kernel/ path is created but it remains empty.

Actions #3

Updated by David Goulet over 11 years ago

  • Project changed from LTTng to LTTng-tools
  • Status changed from New to Confirmed
Actions #4

Updated by Mathieu Desnoyers over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Confirmed to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

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