Bug #660
closedlttng snapshot record fails to increment the snapshot sequence number
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lttng-modules 2.3.0-1 78c8710
lttng-tools 2.3.0-1 c9dc128
lttng-ust 2.3.0-1 9f00ce3
userspace-rcu 0.8.0-1 ca617ca
Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS precise,
3.2.0-53-virtual kernel
$ sudo -H lttng create mySession --snapshot Spawning a session daemon Session mySession created. Default snapshot output set to: /root/lttng-traces/mySession-20130925-101114 Snapshot mode set. Every channel enabled for that session will be set in overwrite mode and mmap output. $ sudo -H lttng enable-event -a -k -syscall All kernel system calls are enabled in channel channel0 $ sudo -H lttng start Tracing started for session mySession $ sudo -H lttng snapshot record Snapshot recorded successfully for session mySession $ sudo -H lttng snapshot record Snapshot recorded successfully for session mySession
If the two snapshot record
commands are issued within the same one-second window, I get just one snapshot in lttng-traces
(e.g. mySession-20131115-102848/snapshot-1-20131115-103147-0
). Presumably the second one overwrote the first. I am unable to get any snapshots with a ...-1
snapshot folder name.