Bug #661
closedlttng snapshot record ignores user-space if kernel is also being traced
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lttng-modules 2.3.0-1 78c8710
lttng-tools 2.3.0-1 c9dc128
lttng-ust 2.3.0-1 9f00ce3
userspace-rcu 0.8.0-1 ca617ca
Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS precise,
3.2.0-53-virtual kernel
$ sudo -H lttng create mySession --snapshot Spawning a session daemon Session mySession created. Default snapshot output set to: /root/lttng-traces/mySession-20130925-101114 Snapshot mode set. Every channel enabled for that session will be set in overwrite mode and mmap output. $ sudo -H lttng enable-event -a -k --syscall All kernel system calls are enabled in channel channel0 $ sudo -H lttng enable-channel channel0 -u --buffers-uid $ sudo -H lttng enable-event -a -u -c channel0 $ sudo -H lttng start Tracing started for session mySession $ sudo -H lttng snapshot record Snapshot recorded successfully for session mySession
What is bizarre here is that snapshot record
will successfully capture the user-space trace if no kernel tracing is going on. But with kernel tracing active, as in this example, only the kernel domain gets committed to storage. Disabling kernel tracing (in this example by disabling the kernel's channel0
channel) does not help.