Bug #731
closedlttng (re)start emits error when session created with --no-output or --snapshot
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Verified with latest stable-2.3
- lttng create test --no-output
Session test created.
- lttng enable-channel --overwrite -k test-chan
Kernel channel test-chan enabled for session test
- lttng enable-event -k -c test-chan signal_generate
kernel event signal_generate created in channel test-chan
- lttng start
Tracing started for session test
- lttng stop
Waiting for data availability
Tracing stopped for session test
- lttng start
Error: Consumer add channel key 33 already exists!
Tracing started for session test
I'm not sure if this can be safely ignored? I'm trying to measure lttng syscall overhead, hence the --no-output but it's not clear if tracing is actually being restarted.