Bug #798
closedCodename version 2.6
And we are at "G".
Updated by David Goulet almost 11 years ago
- Project changed from LTTng-tools to LTTng
Updated by David Goulet over 10 years ago
Gaélique - Cream Ale - Dieu Du Ciel
Gospel - Oatmeal Stout - Dieu Du Ciel
Grand' Messe - Altbier - Dieu Du Ciel
Grande Noirceur - Imperial Stout - Dieu Du Ciel
Gaia - Witbier - Benelux
Grisette - Saison / Farmhouse Ale - Benelux
Guerison Porter - American Porter - Saint-Bock
Gummy Beer - Herbed / Spiced Beer - Saint-Bock
Grande Reserve Vin No 1 - American Barleywine - Le Castor
Gose Bier - Gose - Alchimiste
Grande Cuvée Porter Baltique - Baltic Porter - Les Trois Mousquetaires
Gose - Gose - Les Trois Mousquetaires
Goliath - Herbed / Spiced Beer - Le Grimoire
Grimousse - American Amber / Red Ale - Le Grimoire
Gasket De Tête - English India Pale Ale (IPA) - Brouhaha
Gaz De Course - American Barleywine - Brouhaha
Grätzer - Smoked Beer - La Succursale
Updated by David Goulet over 10 years ago
My vote goes for either "Gaia" or "Grisette" which are both fantastic beers and cool names!
2.5 was Dieu Du Ciel so would be cool to not have it again :).
Updated by Christian Babeux over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Confirmed to Resolved