Bug #806
closedLiver_timer_interval set to max uint for kernel channel with non-initilized live_timer session
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To reproduce:
(with kernel tracing available)
lttng create test
lttng enable-channel testChan -k
(For comparison)
lttng enable-channel testChanUst -u
lttng save -a
The resulting XML reveal a bug for the liver_timer_interval propagation from session to a kernel channel. The live_timer_interval from the kernel channel(testChan) is not overwrite by the live_timer from the session and take the max uint value(4294967295). As discussed with David Goulet on irc, this might be a case of uninitialized variable.
On the other hand to propagation for UST channel is okay as seen in the XML.
David Goulet found a possible reason but with source code modification it seems this is not the problem. See attached patch.