Bug #855
Error after configuring UST metadata channel
Added by Bernd Hufmann about 10 years ago.
Updated about 10 years ago.
I tried to configure the metadata channel for UST. After that I get an error when listing the session.
Could someone please verify this? See below for the commands I used and the error message.
This problem happens also with LTTng Tools 2.6 RC1.
Many thanks in advance!
Best Regards
lttng create
Session auto-20141020-141307 created.
Traces will be written in /home/bernd/lttng-traces/auto-20141020-141307
lttng enable-channel --subbuf-size 8192 -u metadata
UST channel metadata enabled for session auto-20141020-141307
lttng list auto-20141020-141307
Tracing session auto-20141020-141307: [inactive]
Trace path: /home/bernd/lttng-traces/auto-20141020-141307
=== Domain: UST global ===
Buffer type: per UID
Error: UST channel not found
Error: Command error
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- Status changed from New to Confirmed
Hi Bernd,
I can confirm that I observe the same behavior here with lttng-tools HEAD. The list command seems to be the culprit here. We will investigate.
This bug seems to be a current limitation of the "hackish" metadata channel. If you configure the metadata channel and don't have any other channels enabled, the list command will fail.
One workaround is to enable an event prior to the configuration of the metadata channel. The enabling of any event will create the default "channel0".
We will investigate a proper fix for this issue.
- Assignee set to Jérémie Galarneau
- Status changed from Confirmed to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset tools|commit:ade7ce5245446944d27824943142773f7e4d0674.
- Related to Bug #994: Configured metadata data channel not listed for UST domain added
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