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Jérémie Galarneau, 02/09/2015 03:39 PM

Google Summer of Code 2015

Google Summer of Code is a global program that offers students stipends to write code for open source projects.

The LTTng project will participate in GSoC for a third year in 2015!

Guidelines for students applying to GSoC

Here a few guidelines and advice for aspiring applicants to GSoC:

  • Submit your application to Google by March 27 2015 19:00 UTC.
  • Join the IRC #lttng channel on OFTC (irc:// to discuss your application and project ideas.
    Since IRC and the mailing list are our usual means of communication, applicants who have shown initiative in reaching out to the community will be favored during the applications review process.

To get involved in the LTTng project, see our community page!

  • Break the ice! Try submitting a patch for simple issues such as typos, documentation improvements or simple bug fixes
  • Give the toolchain a try with some of your personal projects and show us a use case (performance issue, ease of debugging, etc.) that your project idea would solve.
  • Read the LTTng blog for inspiration.

Perhaps you have ideas to improve LTTng''s usability? Discuss them with us, you might just have found yourself a summer project!

Don''t panic! Some parts of the LTTng project can be quite daunting. We don''t expect applicants to be familiar with all the concepts behind the LTTng codebase. We''re always happy to help.

Additional tips for a successful application: The DOs and DON’Ts of Google Summer of Code: Student Edition

Project Ideas

Coming soon!

Updated by Jérémie Galarneau about 10 years ago · 4 revisions