

Raphaël Beamonte


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 2 2
Reported issues 0 11 11



09:41 PM LTTng-UST Bug #509 (Invalid): The --read-timer option cause many drops of events when kernel and ust tracing are active
The procedure to reproduce the problem is explained in the bug report #479.
The read-timer was introduced to be ab...
Raphaël Beamonte


04:03 PM LTTng-UST Bug #479: Tracing of a real-time application drops a big amount of events at the end of the trace
With d1a996f5524540ebc8caa7c3c1bd3049018d212c (ust) and dec56f6cc894de41b312354d360b6a4c09fc199d (tools), and without... Raphaël Beamonte


01:37 AM LTTng-UST Bug #479: Tracing of a real-time application drops a big amount of events at the end of the trace
Since the bug report, I worked with Yannick on the bug and discovered new elements that could help target the problem... Raphaël Beamonte


11:05 AM LTTng-tools Bug #480 (Resolved): "make dist" broken
Here is the result of @make dist@ for LTTng-tools :... Raphaël Beamonte
10:55 AM LTTng-UST Bug #479 (Resolved): Tracing of a real-time application drops a big amount of events at the end of the trace
This behavior appears with or without using the read-timer option.
It appeared with the commit 34a91bdb42a2a3b01b687...
Raphaël Beamonte


01:43 PM LTTng-UST Bug #418 (Resolved): UST lacks of libuuid as prerequisite in its README file
The libuuid is a prerequisite to compile LTTng-UST, but is not mentioned in the README file as a prerequisite. Raphaël Beamonte


02:21 PM LTTng-tools Bug #232: "No kernel consumer detected" error when starting UST trace with a call to lttng_start_tracing
Is there any news about this bug ? Raphaël Beamonte


02:11 PM LTTng-tools Bug #309 (Resolved): "Warning" messages during "make" on a 32bits system
When installing LTTng on a 32bits system, the "make" of lttng-tools is showing some warnings. This warning doesn't ap... Raphaël Beamonte


04:12 PM LTTng-tools Bug #283 (Resolved): "Event already enabled with different loglevel" error when enabling an UST event for the first time
When I try to use the minimal program that is joined to this bug report, when the event is enabled, LTTng returns "Ev... Raphaël Beamonte


03:07 PM LTTng-tools Bug #235 (Resolved): lttng_enable_channel with too little subbuffers size returns an error that isn't explicit
When I try to create an UST channel with X subbuffers of size 1024 (or 2048), I just got an error "Enable UST channel... Raphaël Beamonte

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