Bug #554
closedAdding context to an empty session creates default channel
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Adding context to an empty session has the nasty side-effect of creating the default channel, whether the command succeeded or not:
$ sudo -H lttng create somesession Session somesession created. Traces will be written in /root/lttng-traces/somesession-20130531-134523 $ sudo -H lttng list somesession Tracing session somesession: [inactive] Trace path: /root/lttng-traces/somesession-20130531-134523 $ sudo -H lttng add-context -k -t perf:cache-misses Error: perf:cache-misses: Add kernel context failed Warning: Some command(s) went wrong $ sudo -H lttng list somesession Tracing session somesession: [inactive] Trace path: /root/lttng-traces/somesession-20130531-134523 === Domain: Kernel === Channels: ------------- - channel0: [enabled] Attributes: write mode: discard subbufers size: 262144 bytes number of subbufers: 4 switch timer interval: 0 usec read timer interval: 200000 usec output: splice() Events: None
$ sudo -H lttng create somesession Session somesession created. Traces will be written in /root/lttng-traces/somesession-20130531-144523 $ sudo -H lttng list somesession Tracing session somesession: [inactive] Trace path: /root/lttng-traces/somesession-20130531-144523 $ sudo -H lttng add-context -k -t procname kernel context procname added to all channels $ sudo -H lttng list somesession Tracing session somesession: [inactive] Trace path: /root/lttng-traces/somesession-20130531-144523 === Domain: Kernel === Channels: ------------- - channel0: [enabled] Attributes: write mode: discard subbufers size: 262144 bytes number of subbufers: 4 switch timer interval: 0 usec read timer interval: 200000 usec output: splice() Events: None
Updated by David Goulet almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
- Target version set to 2.2
Yes that is normal, like enable-event, if no channel is found, a default one is created.
However, there is two issues here where first it's not documented in the man page that "add-context" creates a channel if none found and none is given with -c. Second, if the add-context fails, the default channel should be destroyed.
Updated by David Goulet over 11 years ago
- Status changed from Confirmed to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset d5979e4a295b782fb44a1dc61fb4e01c47bcdf2c.