Bug #858
closedbabeltrace cannot parse following on mips. I think second read of perf_cpu_cycles seems very off
lttng enable-channel syscalls --kernel --num-subbuf 16 $SESSION
lttng add-context $SESSION -c syscalls -k --type pid --type tid
lttng add-context $SESSION -c syscalls -k -t prio -t perf:cpu:cycles
lttng enable-event --kernel --syscall -a $SESSION -c syscalls
syscalls_0 100% 808KB 808.0KB/s 00:00
syscalls_0.idx 100% 296 0.3KB/s 00:00
syscalls_1.idx 100% 184 0.2KB/s 00:00
syscalls_1 100% 392KB 392.0KB/s 00:00 l
metadata 100% 92KB 92.0KB/s 00:00
umut$ babeltrace kernel/
[15:09:14.976549620] (+?.?????????) axis-00408cc5a889 exit_syscall: { cpu_id = 0 }, { pid = 2523, tid = 2527, prio = 20, perf_cpu_cycles = 288705510 }, { ret = 1 }
[15:09:14.976811465] (+0.000261845) axis-00408cc5a889 sys_ioctl: { cpu_id = 0 }, { pid = 2527, tid = 20, prio = 288798108, perf_cpu_cycles = 2306113510548963354 }, { fd = 1, cmd = 2, arg = 3726872232 }
[error] Event id 2523 is outside range.
[error] Reading event failed.
Error printing trace.
umuttl@lnxumuttl:umut$ babeltrace --version
Error parsing options.
BabelTrace Trace Viewer and Converter 1.2.2